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Fort on the Borderland

One of the quintessential locales for adventurers to rest between adventures, a fort on the borderlands is a safe haven offering many of civilisation’s beguiling comforts. Here adventurers can rest and recuperate between expeditions into the wilderness.

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Borderland Fort Dressings

  1. A lewd picture daubed on a wall depicts a warrior decapitating a goblin, orc or some other kind of evil humanoid. The blood spurting from the humanoid’s neck is particularly overdone.

  2. Recent rain has turned the churned earth of the courtyard into a muddy morass, through which travellers and men-at-arms struggle. A single boot juts forlornly from a patch of particularly thick, cloying mud.

  3. A section of scorched, soot-blackened stone wall along with a newly replaced section of roof bears mute testimony to a fire that almost got out of control.

  4. An empty gallows atop a five-foot high wooden platform stands in the middle of the courtyard. Two servants are on their hands and knees scrubbing the platform clean. A bored man-at-arms stands nearby looking on.

  5. A pile of barrels and crates stands against one wall. A large black and white cat lies curled atop one of the barrels, seemingly snoozing in the sun. Nearby, a mangy dog—practically on its belly—creeps toward its target.

  6. A section of wall has been crudely whitewashed. Nails have been driven into the wall and from several flutter notices. Most are weathered stained and unreadable.

  7. A line of sparring dummies stands in the middle of the courtyard. Nearby, a small group of trainee men-at-arms cluster around a bin holding wooden practise swords.

  8. Extra guards are posted at the front gate. Visitors entering the fort are subjected to extensive searches and questioning before being granted admittance. No one seems to know the cause for the increased vigilance.

Sights & Sounds

  1. The clamour of sword striking sword and the grunts of warriors fighting foreshadows the sight of two fighters practising their craft.

  2. A particularly large raven squats on a tower’s battlements and watches folks’ coming and going with strange intensity. It flies off, if the PCs take particular note of its presence.

  3. Dark clouds scud across the sky, plunging the fort into shadow.

  4. Several travellers—the mud of the road fresh upon their boots—stagger passed the party in search of fresh ale, warm food and a comfortable bed for the night.

  5. A small boy—dirty and thin—darts through the crowd. He clutches a scabbarded longsword to his chest. The weapon appears finely made. If stopped, the boy—Arthal—explains he is delivering it to a customer of his father.

  6. A shout of alarm from one of the fort’s tower has several men-at-arms rushing to investigate whatever their companion has spotted.

  7. A flag flying from one of the fort’s towers breaks free and drifts to the ground. It lands in a large patch of horse manure. Is this an omen for the fort’s fortunes?

  8. A young child of indeterminate age and sex chases a mangy dog grasping a short length of rope in its mouth. Totally engrossed in their chase game, neither notice the approach of a heavily laden wagon.

Men-at-Arms with Personality

  1. Aevar (LG male human fighter 1) Overly burly, and bald, Aevar cuts a menacing image. His dangerous mien is further enhanced by a badly done tattoo of a skull covering his entire head except for his face. For all that, Aevar is loyal to his lord, if not a little bit too enthusiastic in combat.

  2. Myev Widow-Maker (NG female half-orc fighter 2) A terror on the battlefield, Myers has a way of looking at people that suggests she is plotting their brutal and swift evisceration. She uses a large double-blade axe—her “Widow-maker”—in lieu of any other weapon. For all that, she is popular with her fellows who have got over her strange ways. She—in turn—is incredibly protective of them.

  3. Aila Leino (NG female human fighter 3) Aila’s slender frame belies a strength far greater than most men. Friendly and gregarious, Aila is popular with her fellows, although secretly she hates their coarse, unsubtle humour. She is a skilled warrior and braver than most veterans. With dark grey eyes and short-cropped red hair, Aila stands out from her drab fellows. If she can escape this backwater fort, a great destiny lies in her future for Aila is not entirely human…

  4. Gar Blood-Eye (CN male half-orc fighter 2) A renegade from an orcish tribe lurking in the nearby wilderland, Gar is not completely trusted by his fellows. Half of them see the tall and broad-shouldered green-skinned warrior as little more than a savage while most of the rest believe him to be a spy. Consequently, Gar has few friends and has become used to expecting the worst from those he meets.


This is a short system-neutral extract from 20 Things #20: Fort on the Borderland by Creighton Broadhurst.

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