Welcome to the 10-Second compilation page. Below, find our 10-Second blog posts for your gaming and entertainment pleasure.

10-Second posts are System Neutral (as far as humanly possible) to make it quick and easy for you to add the NPCs, locales and more into your campaign.

Why 10-Seconds?

Why do we call these articles 10-Seconds articles? It's simple. The average GM can read each article in about ten seconds.


What's So Great About 10-Seconds?

Imagine you are running a game, and your players do something you didn't expect. They duck into a tavern for a drink. They start talking to random NPCs. They explore a part of town you haven't designed. You can panic, or you can use a 10-Second NPC or Locale to save the day.

Remember: use this material as a starting point, and make it your own.

Want more?

Every member of our Patreon campaign gets a free and exclusive monthly compilation file containing not only that month’s 10-Second material but other exclusive bonus content. To get your copy, sign up today!

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(Ready for YOUR Campaign)