Hidden Redoubt of Gilak Urser Maps

Hidden Redoubt of Gilak Urser Maps
This download comprises all the maps and handouts for the Hidden Redoubt of Gilak Urser Dungeon Backdrop.
Cartography: Dyson Logos and Bart Wynants
About the Hidden Redoubt of Gilak Urser
Hidden for long years and wreathed in legendry, the Hidden Redoubt of Gilak Urser ever looms large in treasure-seeker’s dreams. Variously described as a pirate or adventurer in myths and folklore, Gilak Urser is universally thought to have been fabulously wealthy. His hidden lair—and his treasure hoard—has never been found…until now…
Dungeon Backdrop: Hidden Redoubt of Gilak Urser is available in 5e, OSR and Pathfinder 1 editions.