The City of Languard Collection (OSR)

The City of Languard Collection (OSR)
An OSR Compatible GM’s Resource by many talented designers
Storied Languard—capital of Ashlar and its greatest city—stands hard against Hard Bay’s turbulent, stormy waters. To the north lies the Mottled Spire’s brooding spray-drenched mass, the curse-haunted ruins of Greystone and Gloamhold’s doom-wreathed halls. Ashlar’s greatest—indeed only—city, Languard is a noisy, dirty place. Here, amid broad, muddy streets teeming with life and shadow-mantled, danger-filled alleyways there is little beneath the sun that cannot be had somewhere—for a price.
Few Languardians overly concern themselves with the brooding terrors lurking within Gloamhold’s halls, but for others, the legendary, benighted ruin draws them to Languard as a moth to a flame. For within Languard’s stout walls live, plot and scheme a surprising number of adventurers, freebooters and mercenaries all lured here by the treasures said to lie but a scant few miles to the north.
This is a bundle product and comprises the following supplements:
City Backdrop: Languard
Languard Locations: High City
Languard Locations: Low City
Languard Locations: The Fishshambles
Languard Locations: The Shambles
Languard Locations: The Wrecks
Languard Locations: Under the City
Languard Locations: Beyond the Walls
In total, you get almost 100 pages of material that brings the city of Languard to life!
Download the maps (both tagged and untagged versions) for the City of Languard here for free.
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This book is a Dual Format PDF. You’ll find two versions in the zip file: one optimised for printing and use on a normal computer and one optimised for use on a mobile device such as an iPad. The two versions are identical except the screen version has been compressed so it renders quicker on screen.