Shunned Valley of the Three Tombs (P2)

Shunned Valley of the Three Tombs (P2)
A Pathfinder 2nd Edition Compatible Adventure by John Bennett and Creighton Broadhurst
Far from the nearest town, hidden deep in the forest, lies a marshy, boggy valley. Woodsmen and hunters shun the place—kept away by rumours of a terrible beast lairing within and of a ghost haunting the valley’s boggy mere. But, as well as great danger, treasures magical and mundane may yet lie unclaimed in the valley for three unexplored tombs built by ancient hands, stand amid the mud and reeds.
Dare you explore the Shunned Valley of the Three Tombs?
This adventure is designed for 1st-level characters, but is easily modified for 2nd- and 3rd-level characters.
This adventure also includes the richly detailed town of Dulwich for your characters to explore.
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