Where There's a Will (P1 + P2)

Where There's a Will (P1 + P2)
This download includes both the 1st edition and 2nd edition versions of this book.
The pealing bells and sailors' cries spread the news faster than the speediest ship: the dreaded Captain Tyric Seflit, the so-called Spectre of the Sea, is dead! Brought to bay and his ship sent to the bottom of the sea, no longer will the pirate pillage and plunder the villages and merchants of Hard Bay and beyond. But as much as the people of Languard cheer this news, they've heard such rumours before. How can they be sure? And if it is true, what happens to all the loot Tyric is rumoured to have amassed over the years, including clues to an infamous artefact? A handful of pirates are among those asking these very questions, and as Selflit's wake and funeral progress, they could set their eyes on the characters!
This eventure is suitable for any level PCs and can be used with any size group. It has also been designed to be easily adapted to virtually any GM’s campaign.
Where There's a Will is set in the City of Languard but is easily adaptable to almost any fantasy city.
An Eventure by Jacob W. Michaels
What’s an Eventure?
An eventure is akin to a normal adventure, but does not (normally) feature violence or physical challenges. Instead, an eventure focuses on the use of social skills and role-play to resolve the challenges, or events, therein. Most eventures take places in a settlement or on the road. Few occur in traditional adventure locales such as dungeons, ruined castles and so on. Eventures are an excellent change of pace and can be used as filler between adventures or as situations in which PCs who have invested in social skills can shine. They are also perfect for players who enjoy role-playing.
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This book is a Dual Format PDF. You’ll find two versions in the zip file: one optimised for printing and use on a normal computer and one optimised for use on a mobile device such as an iPad. The two versions are identical except the screen version has been compressed so it renders quicker on screen.