20 Things Markdown Files
20 Things Markdown Files
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This download comprises 100 System Neutral plain text files and 100 markdown files designed for use with any fantasy roleplaying game.
Perfect for use with a VTT, Obsidian or any piece of software that can read plain text, these files contain all the flavoursome material presented in the individual 20 Things books, which were compiled into The Dread Thingonomicon.
(If you own The Dread Thingonomicon, these files are included with that book’s PDF.)
About 20 Things
Crammed full of system-neutral themed lists, flavourful NPCs and more, the 20 Things line gives you—the time-crunched GM—the tools to effortlessly add flavoursome verisimilitude to your game.
If your campaign features abnormal lesser undead, alchemist’s laboratories, ancient necropolises, archives & libraries, bandits & brigands, besieged castles, black dragon lairs, blue dragon lairs, bustling marketplaces, corpses, creepy graveyards, crypts & catacombs, cultists’ lairs, curio shops & pawnbrokers, dark caverns, fairs & festivals, fallen dwarven holds, fanes of evil, fanes of good, farming villages, fecund jungles, forts on the borderland, ghostly hauntings, goblin lairs, green dragon lairs, haunted houses, henchfolk & hirelings, hill giant steadings, items most wondrous, kobold warrens, lich’s lairs, local landmarks, lunatic asylums, merchant caravans, minions of evil, necromancer’s lairs, noble’s manor houses, noisome marshes, noisome sewers, ocean voyages, orc villages, red dragon lairs, roads, ruined castles, ruined cities, ruined monasteries, ruined wizard’s towers, seedy taverns, shadowed borderlands, slavers’ compounds, smugglers’ villages, smugglers’ lairs, snow and ice, subterranean mines, sun-scorched deserts, sunken ships, thievish doings, torture chambers, travellers’ inns, troublesome treasures, urban chases, urban events, urban landmarks, urban oddities, vampire’s castles, war-ravaged lands, white dragon lairs, wilderness camps, windswept moors, wizard’s towers and wrecked ships (and whose doesn’t?) the set of markdown files are for you!
This compilation is system neutral and suitable for any fantasy roleplaying game.
This supplement will be released on May 26th 2025, and is currently only available for pre-order.
If you buy this product at the discounted pre-order price you will be charged at checkout. When the book is released, you will receive your download link via email.
Format & Delivery
This is a digital product. Once you’ve checked out, you will receive a download link for your purchase.
This book is a Dual Format PDF. You’ll find two versions in the zip file: one optimised for printing and use on a normal computer and one optimised for use on a mobile device such as an iPad. The two versions are identical except the screen version has been compressed so it renders quicker on screen.