GM's Miscellany: Eventures (5e)

GM's Miscellany: Eventures (5e)
This GM’s Miscellany presents seven eventures ready for your campaign! Use them as a change of pace from the same old dungeon crawls and wilderness expeditions or as an opportunity for role-playing and urban exploration. Eventure are akin to a normal adventure, but do not (normally) feature violence or physical challenges. Instead, an eventure focuses on the use of social skills and role-play to resolve the challenges, or events, therein.
Eventures are an excellent change of pace and can be used as filler between adventures or as situations in which characters who have invested in social skills can shine. They are also perfect for players who enjoy role-playing.
GM's Miscellany: Eventures comprises the following eventures:
A Day Out at the Circus
A Day Out at the Executions
Five Night at the Scythe
Four Nights at the Orc's Head
Night of the Masks
Raisa's Auction Most Wondrous
Where There's a Will
The eventures in GM's Miscellany: Eventures are suitable for any level characters and can be used with any size group. While they are designed for the Ashlar campaign setting they are easily adapted to virtually any GM’s campaign.
A Day out at the Circus
Edrin the Entertainer and His Fabulous Fourteen arrives at night, unloading and setting up shop before any authorities can think to stop them. Come morning, dozens of tents both big and small stand ready to entice visitors with all manner of entertainments. The circus is raucous and wild, with performers including an enslaved orc and goblin duo forced to be slapstick clowns, a falsely accused fire-eater on the run from the law, three acrobatic womanising con-artists and a blind juggler with a taste for blood. Due to some of the performers’ unusual proclivities, the circus tends leaves in quite a hurry. Understandably, Edrin tries not to visit the same place twice. Not, at least, until the rumours die down.
A Day Out at the Executions
Every month, the normal business of the Low Market is put aside. On this day, Languard executes those guilty of a wide range of crimes. Justice is brutal and final in Ashlar. The populace view execution day as a public holiday and hundreds converge on Low Market to witness the prisoners’ final moments—pedlars sell their wares, beggars beg for coin and almost carnival-like atmosphere fills the air.
Five Nights at the Scythe
Standing on a dingy side street in Low City the Scythe has a reputation as a place for hard drinking and its entertainers. Nights at the Scythe are rarely boring—particularly when the legendary halfling bard, Dricolen Nimblefinger, is playing—but most time-crunched GMs gloss over the time between adventures because there are more important things to prepare. Use this eventure to add flavour and interesting events to your PCs’ next night out in Languard!
Four Nights at the Orc's Head
Notorious throughout the duchy of Ashlar as the haunt of adventurers preparing to dare Gloamhold’s depths, the Orc’s Head is a place of tall tales, hard drinking and the occasional barroom brawl. Decent folk rarely venture inside. Nights at the Orc’s Head are rarely boring, but most time-crunched GMs gloss over the time between adventures because there are more important things to prepare. Use this eventure to add flavour and interesting events to your PCs’ next visit to the Orc’s Head!
Night of the Masks
Every year, Duke Armas Nenonen hosts a fabulous masked ball to celebrate Ashlar’s Day of Founding. The duke’s guests number in the hundreds and include some of the most famous—and infamous—citizens of Languard and beyond. On occasion, invitations are extended to adventurers who have somehow managed to impress the duchy’s nobility. Song, dance and drink are the entertainment of the night. At the same time, secret alliances are forged or broken and sinister plots hatched in the castle’s candle-lit halls. When the masks come off at midnight, not all is revealed.
Raisa's Auction Most Wondrous
Raisa Ojanen, of Raisa’s Curios fame (or perhaps notoriety if you believe the rumours), has secured another batch of wondrous magical items for sale at another of her famous auctions! Only the great, the good or the wealthy are admitted to these exclusive gatherings during which thousands of gold crowns reputedly change hands in exchange for items normally money literally cannot buy. Will Raisa grant you admittance or will she find you lacking?
Where There's a Will
The pealing bells and sailors' cries spread the news faster than the speediest ship: the dreaded Captain Tyric Seflit, the so-called Spectre of the Sea, is dead! Brought to bay and his ship sent to the bottom of the sea, no longer will the pirate pillage and plunder the villages and merchants of Hard Bay and beyond. But as much as the people of Languard cheer this news, they've heard such rumours before. How can they be sure? And if it is true, what happens to all the loot Tyric is rumoured to have amassed over the years, including clues to an infamous artefact? A handful of pirates are among those asking these very questions, and as Selflit's wake and funeral progress, they could set their eyes on the characters!
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