Road of the Dead (5e)

Road of the Dead (5e)
Centuries ago, the Tuath were a mighty folk who strove against the goblins of the Tangled Wood for dominion over that ancient place. Defeated by treachery and their feral, warlike enemies, the Tuath’s civilisation was thrown down, their settlements were sacked, their places of strength broken open, and their holy places despoiled. The few survivors melted away into the trackless gloom of the deep forest leaving behind nothing but remnants of their once-great culture. The Road of the Dead, a ceremonial pathway representing a soul’s journey to the underworld, is one such fragment that yet lingers in the Tangled Wood awaiting the brave or the foolhardy. This cunningly designed deathtrap hides the forgotten treasures and legends of a fallen people.
An adventure for 3rd-level characters set on the Lonely Coast.
Design Creighton Broadhurst and Bart Wynants
This expanded, reorganised edition of Road of the Dead features a better layout to enhance your gaming experience, new maps and an entirely new intoroductiry encounter.
Praise for the Original Road of the Dead
“It is a well-devised and beautifully-presented dungeon crawl, with a coherent underlying rationale and plenty of exploration and combat to challenge the most determined adventurers. Moreover, it is not - as so many such adventures are - very linear, the characters have quite a lot of freedom in where they go and what they do whilst exploring the depths. There's an excellent atmosphere of treading ancient halls that have not been disturbed for countless generations... and even some follow-up activities if desired.”
–Megan Robertson (five stars)
“Superb layout and support transforms a basic genre scenario into a strong and easy to use adventure. Raging Swan has done excellent work with Road of the Dead.”
--Sean Holland (five stars)
"If you’re busy and in need of a good module to pick up and play, be sure to pick Road of the Dead up – the artwork as well as the DM-friendliness is worth your money.”
–Endzeitgeist (4.5 stars)
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