Villages of Ashlar (5e)

Villages of Ashlar (5e)
A 5e Compatible GM’s Resource by John Bennett, Creighton Broadhurst, Greg Marks and Marc Radle
Come visit dismal Coldwater, plague-riddled Ashford or any of Ashlar’s other villages—Hard Bay, Kingsfell, Longbridge, Underdell, Thornhill, Wellswood, White Moon Cove and Woodridge—with Villages of Ashlar.
Villages of Ashlar brings together for the first time every Ashlarian village published by Raging Swan Press. Featuring new cartography by mapping supremo Tommi Salama the book is an essential reference for any GM setting a campaign in the Duchy of Ashlar.
Dismissively called “Fenland” by outsiders for the broad swath of fetid, tidal saltmarsh almost cutting the duchy in twain, Ashlar sprawls along the appropriately named Hard Bay. Effectively isolated from the rest of the continent by a high plateau crowned by dark, silent woods clustering hard against a legion of fantastically shaped stone spires, Ashlar is an isolated realm of hard, resilient folk. To the north lurks the Mottled Spire’s brooding bulk. Within, lies Gloamhold’s doom-drenched halls.
Villages of Ashlar features the following villages:
Hard Bay
White Moon Cove
Get the Maps Free!
Download the maps (both tagged and untagged versions) for all the villages featured in Villages of Ashlar here for free.
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