4d4 Vampire's Crypt
Scions of the night, vampires live among the prey they feed on; the presence of a vampire often causes chaos and panic. A vampire’s lair is not for the weak-hearted.
Use these four lists, to add depth and flavour to a vampire’s crypt.
What’s Going On?
The vampire stands in front of a huge portrait, rocking gently from side to side, lost in thought
With a lost look on his face, the vampire sits at a table made ready for a feast with its now skeletal guests.
The vampire poses in front of a seated skeleton who was once working on the vampire’s portrait.
The vampire claws wildly at a wall tearing it to pieces to get at a rat hiding within.
Notable Crypt Features
Dozens of small holes pierce the crypt’s walls in a random pattern. (The holes enable the vampire to move about in its gaseous form).
Many paintings of the vampire line the walls; the various styles span centuries of work.
The glass from broken mirrors litters the floor.
The eyes of a large portrait seem to follow intruders. (The eyes are hollow and lead through pipes to the area containing the vampire's coffin).
Vampire’s Appearance
Muttering to herself, the grey-haired old woman hobbles around looking nothing like a powerful vampire.
A massive brute in crimson armour, the vampire wears an open-faced helm to terrify his victims.
A small and fragile looking child, the vampire sits on the lap of one of its thralls seemingly being comforted.
Wearing black leathers and a grey cloak the vampire stands next to its thralls—a goblin, a dwarf and an elf.
An extensive collection of coins from many countries date back over a century.
This ornate standing sarcophagus contains the mummy of the vampire's ancient enemy.
A barb-bladed sword of black metal that screams as it strikes living flesh.
Crafted from the pelts of thousands of rats and bats stitched onto human skin this cloak enables its wearer to shift form.
Want More?
This article is an extract from the Complete Monstrous Lair Collection which is available here for immediate download. Alternatively, check out the 4d4 Archive for more handy, flavoursome and time-saving 4d4 articles ready for immediate use in your campaign.
Design Steve Hood