Aubade at a Glance
By day, Aubade’s cobblestone streets are eerily quiet and still, the village seemingly abandoned. At night, though, regularly spaced lampposts along the winding lanes blaze to life, the village shining like a land-bound star and illuminating residents hard at work as if it were the middle of the day.
The lakeside village was once a centre of faith and song. Founded by devout followers of Darlen, the god of the sun, a children's choir attracted pilgrims to hear their dawn descants, the morning love songs that gave the village its name. Among those pilgrims was ardent cleric Syrave Teury, who took up residence in Aubade and spent decades building a grand cathedral and song hall for worship.
But when a choking illness broke out shortly after the cathedral’s completion, Syrave was helpless to stop its spread. Scared and angry, the villagers—led by Syrave and grief-stricken choirmaster Markku Tuomi—turned on Aubade's long-time wise woman, Mirja Sianio. They hauled her from her home and held a trial under the noon sun, finding the innocent woman guilty and declaring she would be burnt at the stake for witchcraft. As the fire consumed her, she cursed the villagers: "Let there be as much welcome for you under the sun," she cried out, "as you have found for me!" The next morning, the villagers discovered her words carried power: the first to emerge from their homes burst into flame at the merest touch of sunlight.
Now, villagers come out during the day only under cover, every inch of flesh shielded by rough fabric. At night, they work the fields, fish and maintain their village by lamplight. Gone now are the pilgrims who used to bring riches and new inhabitants.
Dark rumours—that the villagers have been transformed into vampires—circulate nearby settlements, leaving residents afraid crusading adventurers will kill them. Still, they know the rumours also keep them safe from bandits and the less scrupulous, who could take advantage of their inability to survive in the sun's light.
Ruler: Dantalyan Solac
Government: Council
Alignments: LG, LN
Population: 87 (77 humans, 4 half-elves, 6 halflings)
Notable Folk: Dantalyan Solac (beach), Markku Tuomi (Sun-Song Hall), Syrave Teury (Cathedral of the Sun)
Languages: Common
Resources & Industry: Fishing, musical instruments, oil
Cartography Tommi Salama
Notable Locations
Most of the village comprises peasant homes. A few locations, however, are of interest to adventurers:
Palisade: Shortly after Mirja's curse struck, the villagers erected a barrier of rough-hewn logs. Made by villagers still unaccustomed to working at night, the wall contains gaps big enough smaller creatures can easily pass through or larger ones can use to see what's happening on the other side.
Beach: The lifeblood of the village, the sandy waterfront serves as a small harbour for many fishing vessels. This is a hive of activity shortly after dusk and before dawn as fishermen push out onto Lake Archon and return with their catches.
The Dawn to Dusk: Aubade's main shop claimed to have "everything under the sun," and was a popular spot for pilgrims and guards in Aubade's glory days. Now a sign hanging from the locked door indicates the shop is closed, and its shutters are securely fastened to safeguard the remaining valuables inside.
Cathedral of the Sun: The ornate house of worship for the sun god was the centrepiece of the village, a cathedral to match any large city's. Like the village, it's fallen on hard times: dust shrouds much of the interior, and weeds grow in the garden and along its walls.
Sun-Song Hall: Attached to the cathedral, the Sun-Song Hall is a grand auditorium, featuring rows of benches for people to sit and listen to the renowned children's choir perform. Like the cathedral, it too has fallen into a state of neglect.
The Warm Welcome: Unlike many of the other businesses catering to visitors, the local tavern and inn remains open. A sign on the door invites visitors to enter, the only sign during the day—when door and shutters remain closed—business proceeds as normal there.
The Lamplighter: Halfling craftswoman Brielle Seyrliant used to prepare sacred and scented oils, as well as ornamental lamps, to send home with pilgrims. Now her shop churns out lamps to light the village each night and fish oil to keep them blazing.
Mirja's Home: The village wise woman Mirja Sianio lived in this modest home, slightly apart from the village where she grew up but whose faith she abandoned. After Mirja was blamed and executed for the village's misfortunes, the mob descended upon the home and burned it too. Nothing but charred debris remains, home only to Mirja's angry spirit.
Want More?
Village Backdrop: Aubade by Jacob W. Michaels appears in the compilations GM's Miscellany: Village Backdrop VII for Pathfinder and the GM's Miscellany: Village Backdrop IV for 5e and GM's Miscellany: Village Backdrop IV for OSR/System Neutral games. Download your copies and add Aubade to your campaign today!
Design Jacob W. Michaels Cartography Tommi Salama