Beacon Promontory at a Glance
Beacon Promontory arose from the watery grave of Beacon Cove after a ferocious storm submerged the village. The handful of doughty survivors rebuilt their homes around Beacon Lighthouse, which lights the way for passing ships, many of which used to make the former village a port of call. Many consider the holdouts insane for staying, considering over half their neighbours left or were killed in the storm, but they feel they have a duty to seafarers who become stranded along the remote stretch of coast. However, the truly insane person may be the lighthouse keeper who believes the deluge that destroyed Beacon Cove was a precursor to an invasion from beneath the waves.
Art Maciej Zagorski (The Forge Studios)
Ruler: Vilina Koira
Population: 19 (11 humans, 2 dwarves, 3 half-elves, 3 halflings)
Alignment: N
Languages: Aquan, Common
Resources & Industry: Fishing, safe shipping
Situated north of the Picaroon Peninsula and southwest of Ashlar, the village of Beacon Cove was once a prosperous fishing village and served as a port of call for large ships sailing along the otherwise remote and isolated stretch of coastline.
Three years ago, when the autumn rains arrived, ferocious storms dumped an unprecedented amount of water on the village while leaving the rest of the region relatively unscathed. When the rainy season should have ended, instead of drier weather supplanting the storms, the rain kept falling. The waters rose, and the village sank; most of the now homeless villagers fled northeast to the Duchy of Ashlar. A few hardy folk, however, retreated to the highest location, the rocky ground around their lighthouse. Thus, Beacon Promontory arose from the watery grave of Beacon Cove, just as the weather returned to normal. Now the residents wait for the water to recede, so they can reclaim their sunken village.
Most villagers are hopeful Beacon Promontory will rebound from its dire situation. However, lighthouse keeper Filppu Koira is convinced the deluge was a harbinger for a far worse evil. He stands vigil against an invasion from the deep, but his wife, Vilina, is concerned her husband’s vigilance borders on paranoia. His open distrust of visitors hurts business, so she works to keep him away from such folk. As Filppu’s paranoia worsens, he suspects fellow villagers of being enthralled to the invaders or clever doppelgängers waiting until the time is right to strike.
Design Mike Welham Cartography Maciej Zagorski (The Forge Studios)
Notable Locations
Most of Beacon Promontory comprises locations of little interest to adventurers. A few locations, however, are notable:
Promontory Bridge: This hastily-built wooden bridge is the only safe way to approach Beacon Promontory by land. It is rickety and only usable by pedestrians; it is not strong enough to support horses, wagons and the like.
Hooks and Gaffs: Magdeleena Tuntia spends most of her time here crafting fishing gear and the occasional weapon or suit of armour. Hooks and Gaffs stands on the highest and driest spot in the whole village.
Sea Queen’s Blessing: Everyone from Beacon Promontory comes to the church to at least pay lip service to the Sea Queen, who impacts their livelihood with her savage, impulsive nature.
General Supply and Salvage: This store serves the crews of the now-rare ships anchoring offshore. Prices are low, as business is slow.
Sea Bounty Inn: Optimism (and more than a little bit of hope) prompted the rebuilding of the Sea Bounty Inn, a near-identical replica of the business of the same name that stood in Beacon Cove; it stands mostly empty due to lack of visitors. The inn has no permanent staff—all the villagers lend a hand when the inn has guests.
Makeshift Dock: Although business has trailed off since the flood, enough ships stop near Beacon Promontory to require this dock. The dock cannot accommodate full-sized ships, but can moor rowboats. Larger vessels drop anchor further offshore to avoid the many sunken perils lurking just under the cove’s calm waters.
Lighthouse Entrance: Paranoia surrounding the events around Beacon Cove’s fall, and Filppu’s proclamations of impending doom, prompted the remaining villagers to set a guard at the lighthouse’s entrance.
Lighthouse Ground Floor: During the day, when Filppu isn’t making repairs or assisting Vilina, he is here sleeping, eating or counting his supplies.
Hidden Storage: A secret door, known only to Filppu and Vilina, hides a store of staple goods and a few weapons. If Beacon Promontory comes under siege from sinister forces, the Koiras plan to shelter the residents in this hidden area.
Lighthouse Lamp: Arguably the most important feature of Beacon Promontory, Filppu has ensured the lamp’s light has remained constantly lit ever since be became keeper.
Want More?
Village Backdrop: Beacon Promontory by Mike Welham is now available here at the Raging Swan Press store. members of our Patreon campaign got all four editions of Village Backdrop: Beacon Promontory (5e, OSR, Pathfinder 1 and Pathfinder 2) for as little as $2. Sign up today!
Design Mike Welham Cartography Maciej Zagorski (The Forge Studios)