Dungeon Dressing Explained
At Raging Swan Press, we believe that games set in a richly detailed, immersive world are better than games that are not. It should come as no surprise that we are huge fans of dungeon dressing, but what exactly is dungeon dressing, and why do we keep going on about it?
What is Dungeon Dressing?
Dungeon dressing is the art of adding small, evocative details and minor points of interest into your dungeons.
Why Should I Bother with Dungeon Dressing?
Dungeon dressing helps you breathe life into your creation. Dungon dressing helps you set the scene and tell the dungeon’s story. Dungeon dressing helps your players suspend their disbelief and immerse themselves in your game.
Dungeon dressing is a Good Thing.
Dungeon Dressing: An Example
Consider these two descriptions of the same dungeon location. Which is more evocative? Which better brings the locale to life in the players’ minds? Which is redolent with believable details and things to investigate (or avoid)?
A set of double doors stand at the top of a short flight of stone steps:
A set of 15-foot tall stone double doors, replete with hideous and ornate skeletal carvings, stand atop a short flight of stone steps. A skeleton, one hand outstretched toward the doors, lies upon the steps. Magical light blazes from torches flanking the doors, and a horned, winged skull surmounts the whole.
One of the locations above is more interesting and “alive” than the other. One is dressed, and one is not. One transports the players into the dungeon and gives them things to think about and investigate. The other does not.
If that doesn’t sell you on Dungeon Dressing, consider what Gary Gygax said on the subject:
“Features such as rooms and chambers must be described with verve and sufficiently detailed in content to make each seem as if it were strange and mysterious.”
Dress your dungeons today!