Into the Ghoul's Nest
The ghoul is a creature of nightmare for any adventuring group. From the packs of mindless, carrion-eating undead to the ancient civilisations deep underground, screaming adulation to their sheep-headed god Orcus, all ghouls have one thing in common: an eternal, gnawing hunger that no amount of flesh can sate.
Outside the Lair
Use this list, to determine what the characters find as they approach the lair.
Bones cracked for marrow litter the floor, making approaching the ghoul’s nest difficult.
Several sets of skulls are piled in rows like some form of shrine or altar.
The stench of rotting meat is almost overpowering.
Grave mould and dirt are scattered around the area..
What’s Going On?
Use this list, to determine what is happening at the lair, when the characters arrive.
The ghoul holds a skull up to its face and peers intently into its hollow eyes.
Crooning to itself, the ghoul taps idly on the rock wall with a long bone.
The ghoul picks its teeth with a shard of rib.
Clawing at the ground the ghoul attempts to bury a skull whilst muttering to itself.
Major Lair Features
Use this list, to determine the lair’s major feature(s). These features are obvious to the characters.
Several skulls are mounted on sharp sticks and tied on with guts and sinew. They silently grin at intruders.
Canopic jars are shattered and smashed against the walls; ashes spilled onto the surrounding floor form disturbing patterns.
Rocks and skulls form a makeshift altar. Atop the pile, a skull-topped rod sits in a prominent position.
A profession of skulls have been thrown at the wall here, and lie shattered on the floor.
Minor Lair Features
Use this list, to determine the lair’s minor feature(s). These features may, or may not, be obvious, to the characters.
Tangle. A disgusting scum of coagulated blood and rotten meat floats on the surface of a stagnant, putrid pool. The pool’s depth is impossible to gauge, merely by sight.
A shattered skull missing its teeth rests next to a congealed pool of blood and viscera.
A rotting human hand missing three fingers is wedged into a crack in the wall.
A cracked femur with a sharp tooth embedded in it lies next to a pile of rocks.
Ghoul’s Appearance
Use this list, to generate a ghoul’s general appearance and other characteristics.
Leaning heavily on a cracked branch this emaciated ghoul stumbles around on a crippled leg.
The ghoul wears a belt adorned with several skulls and bones. Dried blood and viscera stain its legs, like a pair of ragged red trews.
The ghoul grasps a skull-topped branch in its hand. It wields the club like a weapon and delights in bashing in its enemies’ skulls.
Faded tattoos of once intricate and beautiful design, inked long ago while the individual yet lived, cover the ghoul’s rotting and scarred skin.
Use this list, to add items of value to the ghoul’s hoard; determine the value of each item to suit your campaign.
. Ceremonial raiment still bears its jewels and other finery lies amongst cracked skulls and bones.
A sheep’s skull embedded with crushed yellow and red gems forms the head of a crude mace.
This wickedly serrated dagger has a blood red gem set in its pommel.
Two-dozen finger bones and teeth fill a pouch. (A careful search reveals several gold teeth).
Trinkets & Trash
Use this list, to add items of interest, but little value, to the ghoul’s hoard.
A bent pewter cup holds several teeth and a tiny wooden spoon.
A thick rope made from intestines and sinew is coiled in the corner. (It looks and feels disgusting but is functional and strong—at least until it dries out).
Bowls painted with thick blue glaze are stacked in a small alcove away from the blood and bones.
The ghoul wears finely embroidered, yet ragged and now hopeless worn, riding boots.Want More?
This is an extract from Monstrous Lair #08: Ghoul’s Nest, a System Neutral resource by Steve Hood which appears in the Complete Monstrous Lair Collection.
Words Steve Hood Art Rick Hershey