Kingsfell at a Glance
Standing hard against the River Ost, Kingsfell is seemingly a tranquil and prosperous village on a well-travelled trade route. However, the village stands on the site of a long-forgotten battlefield and not all the dead rest easily in their graves. Strangely, while the paladin—and lady of the village—Mira Lankinen, the scion of an ancient line, keeps watch over her lands, a subtle unease shrouds the village. Strangers sometimes arrive in Kingsfell armed with spades and picks intending to dig beneath the Kingstones, for rumours and old stories vaguely place buried treasures beneath their feet. Local laws and traditions prohibit such treasure hunting, however, and few dare to face down Mira Lankinen and her skilled, vigilant men-at-arms. Thus, so far the stones and whatever lies beneath remains undisturbed.
Ruler: Mira Lankinen
Government: Overlord
Population: 174 (148 humans, 12 half-orcs, 11 halflings, 3 dwarves)
Alignments: NG, LN, LG
Languages: Common, Orc, Halfling
Resources & Industry: Farming, fishing
Kingsfell stands in a strategic location upstream from the extensive saltmarsh sprawling outwards from the River Ost’s muddy banks. The village straddles the road looping around the marsh’s sodden bounds and consequently many travellers stop to rest and recuperate after their harrowing journey.
The paladin Mira Lankinen rules Kingsfell with a firm, fair hand, as her family has done for generations. However, an elder shade of fell aspect lies upon the village. Centuries ago, a great battle was fought on the site. After the slaughter was done, the dead were interred in burial mounds about which the village eventually grew. Some of the dead rest uneasily and wait for the return of their ancient enemies and a resumption of the slaughter. This malice and hate are beginning to leach into the villagers’ psyche creating an aura of unease over Kingsfell.
Cartography Tommi Salama
Notable Locations
Most of the village comprises peasant homes. A few locations, however, are of interest to adventurers:
Redshank Mill: Here dwells the taciturn miller Riku Markku and his family. Because the Ost is a tidal river, the family keeps odd hours.
The Rat and Cup: This inn offers a homely, basic welcome to travellers. Those on a budget stay here, while the well-to-do end up at the Weary Traveller.
The Kingstones: Five carven stones of stout dwarven warriors surround a sixth regal-looking dwarf atop this burial mound.
Vigil: This towering fortress stands atop the highest of the burial mounds. Deep below its foundations lie the mouldering, jumbled bones of hundreds of orcs.
Eskola’s: This large shop has an eclectic range of goods.
The Weary Traveller: Kingsfell’s best inn, The Weary Traveller provides welcome rest to those visiting the village.
Hall of the Lawgiver: Dedicated to Conn, the hall is the spiritual heart of the village.
Heimo’s House: This large, well-appointed house overlooks much of the village. Here dwells the failed wizard and wealthy merchant Heimo Eskola and his family.
Shrine of the Shining Light: This temple of Darlen also serves as a watchtower. Few worship here beyond the Lankinens and their retainers.
Want More?
Kingsfell appears in Villages of Ashlar (available in OSR and Pathfinder 1st editions here at the Raging Swan Press store). You can download for free the village’s maps (and the maps for all Ashlar’s villages) in Ashlarian Village Maps.
Design Creighton Broadhurst Cartography Tommi Salama