The Lonely Coast at a Glance
Turbulent waters and forbidding, trackless forests separate the Lonely Coast from the pleasures and comforts of more civilised lands. Avaricious pirates and merciless slavers ply the storm-tossed waters while atavistic goblins and other foul things creep through the gloom of the Tangled Wood that chokes the forgotten holds and sacred places of the Old People. Deep within the forest, a narrow, rock-strewn defile choked with shadow cuts through a nameless range of rugged, tree-shrouded hills birthing dark, fearsome legends of terrifying monsters and glittering, doom-laden treasures.
Ruler: Lord Kenver Locher
Government: Feudal fief
Population: 6,200
Alignments: LN, N, CN, NG, NE
Languages: Common, Goblin
Towns: Wolverton (pop. 1,923)
Villages: Bossin (pop. 648); Hosford (pop. 678); Oakhurst (pop. 413); Swallowfeld (pop. 526)
Fortifications: Caer Syllan, Kerensa’s Hold
Resources: Lumber, tin and slate
Cartography Tommi Salama
Features of the Lonely Coast
The Lonely Coast has the following geographical features of note:
Dense Woodland: The Tangled Wood shrouds most of the coast. Much of it is trackless and unexplored. Vicious humanoids, strange wolves and other threats lurk within.
Trails and Tracks: Meandering tracks link the main settlements with a patchwork of farms and the isolated farmsteads of hunters and charcoal burners.
Cliffs: Lofty sea cliffs dominate the approaches to the Lonely Coast. In a few places, shingle beaches stand at their base, but most are inaccessible from the cliffs above.
Hills: A nameless range of rugged, tree-cloaked hills rises to the north. Beyond the range lies the deep Tangled Wood, and unknown perils.
Locations of Note
The Lonely Coast has several locations of interest:
Talan’s Bluff: The remains of an ancient hill fortress, sprawl across the summit of a high hill giving impressive views over the Tangled Wood.
Aruis’s Watchtower: A ruined tower hidden deep in the Tangled Wood, the watchtower is famous for the powerful conjurer who once dwelled within (and for the eldritch manner of his disappearance). Legends cluster thickly around the ruin.
The Twisted Gorge: Caves and passageways honeycomb the steep, overhanging cliffs of this foul place. Ferocious monsters dwell here in profusion, and a rambling ruin of precariously perched buildings and pathways cling to the cliffs at the head of the gorge.
Deepwater Lake: This lake’s cold and deep waters are rumoured to hide much treasure (and a ferocious beast).
Priory of Cymer: This isolated, rundown church dedicated to Darlen and the defeat of a slumbering evil said to lurk in caverns beneath the priory welcomes few visitors these days.
The Orestone: Wind-swept and wave-lashed, this shard of rock lies a mile or so offshore from Wolverton. Many ships have come to grief on this spray-drenched rock. Caves and passageways honeycomb the Orestone; certain deep shafts quest downwards to the squat, cyclopean ruins of the ancient (but not abandoned) troglodyte city of Kar-Loth.
Want More?
The Lonely Coast by John Bennett and Creighton Broadhurst is available in OSR and Pathfinder 1st editions here at the Raging Swan Press store.
Design John Bennett and Creighton Broadhurst Cartography Tommi Salama