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Urban Locale: Smithy

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One or more blacksmiths can be found in any settlement of note—and many of those without note. Forging the myriad finished metal goods the populace needs to live, smiths are often respected, comparatively wealthy members of the community. Some can even fashion simple weapons.

The Smithy

  1. Hammer and Tongs: This small smithy caters to the commonfolk, judging by the many household items for sale. The folk here are polite but a little bit in awe of wealthy adventurers.

  2. Sihvo’s: The smith, Sihvo Rahikka, is well regarded in the community and has several apprentices. He now grows old, and his apprentices vie for his favour—all hoping he will leave them the forge when he retires. All the apprentices offer excellent service in an attempt to prove they are the best.

  3. The Smoke House: Named for the smoke constantly belching forth from its chimney, this forge is busy. A master smith works here, and he has several assistant smiths and their apprentices to aid him.

  4. Jegor’s Forge: This smith, Jegor Tapatora, was once a soldier, and he can repair weapons and armour. His work is not pretty, but it is effective. He is fond of a drink, and often, his friends gather here after work to reminisce about the old days.

Major Locale Features

  1. The smithy has a huge and tall central chimney from which smoke billows. The chimney has a pronounced lean to the left.

  2. Several stout storage buildings stand hard against the smithy; within are stored the fuel and raw materials necessary for the smith’s work.

  3. The smithy stands in the centre of a small gravelled courtyard formed by single-storey storage buildings.

  4. A small cellar lies beneath the forge; therein, the smith keeps their most expensive raw material. A hatch in the forge’s workshop enables easy access to the cellar.

Minor Locale Features

  1. Tools and various finished metal goods hang from the workshop’s rafters. In some places, tall folk must watch their heads.

  2. The smithy has a steeply pitched thatched roof; several birds nest therein.

  3. The smith and their family dwell on the building’s upper floor; the apprentices live in a small building to the rear.

  4. A young apprentice watches over an array of metal goods displayed outside the forge.

What’s Going On?

  1. The clamour of hammer on metal emanates from the smithy; a thin stream of smoke rises from the building’s thick chimney.

  2. A wagon arrives piled with iron ore—raw material for the blacksmith’s forge. The wagon is obviously heavy—it leaves deep grooves in the ground.

  3. The smith is talking with a local about repairing a plough blade or other mundane item. To the customer, the matter is of urgent importance, and the characters must wait their turn.

  4. The smith is in a bad mood—one of their apprentices has just ruined several days of work by failing to keep the forge fire hot enough.

Other Folk

  1. Jyrki Koira (young male human) wants to be a blacksmith and to be rich and respected. He has come here to seek an apprenticeship. He wears old clothes in good condition and is obviously a strong, active boy. His eyes burn with intelligence and curiosity.

  2. Lalli Osma (middle-aged male human) wants an iron-banded door for his home and has brought his woodworker to discuss the job with the blacksmith. The three are bent over a diagram of the desired door when the characters arrive. Lalli—a wealthy merchant—is haughty and takes a dislike to the characters unless they show him appropriate respect.

  3. Leena Toivas (female human) visits the blacksmith at the behest of her master who desires a bag of nails. Mikael is young and attractive, and the smith has taken a liking to her. She is in the process of fending off his unsubtle advances when the characters arrive.

  4. Otava Vesi (middle-aged male human) needs some arrowheads forging—quickly. This obvious hunter carries an old longbow, and his clothes are threadbare. He reeks of stale beer. His quiver has but seven arrows in it.


This is a short system-neutral extract from Urban Locale #29: Smithy Robert Manson

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