The Merchant and Her Servants
A merchant caravan is nothing without its mistress and those she employs to run her business.
The Merchant
Ilma Ilmarinen
Deep black rings hang under this dishevelled woman’s eyes.
Ilma Ilmarinen (LN female human fighter 2) embraces misery and negativity. Life has not been kind to Ilma, and her physical and mental health have suffered as a result.
Personality: Ilma is despondent and assumes most things will turn out for the worst. She soldiers on, for her young son, Jaakko. She is a devout follower of Conn (LN greater god of community, family and rulership), but continued bad luck is testing her faith to the utmost.
Mannerisms: Deep sighs punctuate Ilma's conversation, and she often lapses into a monotone voice.
Hooks: Ilma isn’t unlucky or cursed—she is being terrorised by a bored, mischievous imp who has decided to ruin her life. The imp uses its powers and cunning to turn every situation to Ilma's disadvantage.
The Servants
Juho Miela
Wearing nondescript clothes this thin man has a pale countenance and eyes that dart about. He wears his muddy blonde hair up in a pigtail.
Juho Miela (N male human thief 2) harbours no desire to steal from the caravan. Rather he wants to get as far away from the last town as possible. A consummate actor, Juho has wholly thrown himself into the role of servant. He plans to disappear when the caravan next arrives at a sufficiently large town or city.
Personality: Hard work does not scare Juho—particularly if the alternative is imprisonment or mutilation. He doesn’t like the countryside—it is too green and the smells are odd.
Mannerisms: Juho’s eyes dart about, never staying still for long. Perceptive characters note he also sometimes rolls his right shoulder as if trying to work a strained muscle.
Hooks: Juho is wanted for a brutal burglary in which a man was killed. Juho is innocent of the crime—a rival set him up—but he knows he won’t get a fair trial if caught. Perceptive characters notice Juho is unduly nervous. Investigations reveal incriminating items in his possession including several daggers, a comprehensive set of thieves’ tools and a small store of gold.
Yarg Yargson
An impressive, but greying, moustache frames this middle-aged man’s face. Despite his age, he moves with the fluid grace of a much younger person.
Yarg Yargson (LG middle-aged male human fighter 5) knows he is not as young as he once was and craves retirement—or at the least a cushy job which does not require any travel or serious danger.
Personality: Yarg has no real sense of humour. Almost three decades of selling his sword to the highest bidder has flogged the lust for adventure and excitement from his mind. Now, he favours relaxing by a fire drinking fine wine.
Mannerisms: Yarg incessantly grooms and combs his impressive moustache—it is his pride and joy, and something of a family tradition. He does not deal well with derogatory remarks regarding its appearance.
Hooks: Yarg may seem like a coward—he doesn’t exactly rush to confront danger—but he is far from it. A suggestion of cowardice on his part immediately draw his ire. He will not forget any stain on his honour.
This is an extract from 20 Things #68: Merchant Caravan, a System Neutral resource, by Creighton Broadhurst.
Words Creighton Broadhurst Art William McAusland