Wolverton at a Glance
Wolverton rests on the rocky shores of the far‐flung Lonely Coast. The mighty fortress Caer Syllan keeps a protective eye over its harbour which hosts ships from all over the world coming to trade for the precious metals and gems pulled from the nearby mines. A muddy, noisy place, Wolverton is home to hardy frontier folk eking a living from the earth while contending with half‐goblin tribes, packs of shadow wolves and other monsters dwelling in the nearby Tangled Woods.
Although the town serves as Lord Locher’s seat and the capital of the Lonely Coast Wolverton’s muddy streets are far from safe. While regular patrols ward Wolverton and the surrounding villages from monstrous incursions, new threats rise to weaken the Lochers’ iron‐fisted grip. Merchants tired of high taxes and tariffs secretly plot to take power while in the streets smuggler gangs fight one another in a vicious turf war. Beyond these threats lurk even greater dangers. In a black stone tower, a vile necromancer plots his path to lichdom and the conquest of the Lonely Coast while a villainous monster secretly makes his home in the previously abandoned sea caves of Morveren’s Galley. Thus, brave adventurers will always find a welcome among the folk of Wolverton!
Ruler: Therrin Bhule
Government: Autocracy
Population: 1,923
Alignments: LG, NG, LN, N, LE, NE
Languages: Common, Dwarf, Elven, Goblin
Resources & Industry: Farming, fishing, trade
The Lonely Coast’s only town, Wolverton stands at the social and industrial heart of Lord Locher’s domain. Protected by a high earthen berm, dry ditch and rambling stockade, the town and the attendant fortification of Caer Syllan are the safest places on the Lonely Coast.
Wolverton is a loud, malodorous place. Its muddy streets ramble along both of the Arisum’s steep banks, straddling the river bank just north of where it widens into its estuary. Unfortunately, for the folk dwelling along the lower west bank much of the area is prone to flooding. Consequently, only the poorest and most desperate folk dwell there. Above the stench and detritus of the main town, the houses of a few well-to-do merchants and other wealthy folk perch upon steep-sided bluffs overlooking both Wolverton and the ocean. No traditional thieves’ guild controls the illicit activities of Wolverton’s criminal fraternity. Instead, a loose confederation of master smugglers regulates their crews’ nefarious activities so that none grows too powerful. Competition between the various crews is far from friendly; the bloated corpses of smugglers not skilled or lucky enough to defeat or avoid their competitors often wash up at low tide on the Arisum’s steep, muddy banks.
Wolverton’s docks are the pulsating mercantile heart of the town (and indeed the entire Lonely Coast). Without the constant flow of goods from more civilised states, life on the Lonely Coast would be all but impossible. A weekly market, held in the aptly named and flood-prone Water Meadow, provides an opportunity for local traders and merchants to sell their wares and an excuse for villagers to visit Wolverton. Such events are the social highlight of the week and are usually busy.
The worship of Conn dominates the religious landscape of the town but a small temple of Darlen (that doubles as the town’s magistrate’s court) stands in its shadow. Few common folk worship there but as the clergy act as the local magistrates the faith clings to some measure of influence.
Cartography Tommi Salama
Notable Locations
Most of the town comprises peasant homes. A few locations, however, are of interest to adventurers:
Artolek’s Tower: The illusionist, Artolek, dwells in this tower whose appearance constantly shifts to suit his whim.
The Hare and the Ass: The tavern has few rooms; locals crowd its large tavern room for its fairly priced meals and ales.
Kersey and Mayne: This shop specialises in travel and adventuring equipment. It is popular with heroes and the like. Minor magic items can sometimes be found for sale here.
Therrin Bhule’s Manor: Wolverton's reeve, Therrin Bhule, dwells here. Therrin is famed (or reviled depending on one’s view) for his loyalty to the Lochers.
Kiyana’s Armour Shop: The elf Kiyana fashions and repairs armour in the workshop attached to her shop. She is tremendously skilled and can craft magic armour.
The River’s Rest: This pleasant inn and tavern catering to outsiders stands on the Arisum’s east bank.
Cemetery: Wolverton’s dead lie interred in mausoleums, here.
Gio Varrin’s House: The inventor and tinkerer Gio Varrin creates strange wonders in his home.
White Cliffs: Wolverton’s elite build their homes on the steep bluffs overlooking the ocean.
The Moonlight Knavery: Wolverton’s only (open air) theatre put on plays and comedies all year round. Its exotic proprietor, Tillo Iwanda, is popular with the ladies.
Wolverton Jail: Wolverton confines its criminals in this well‐maintained and well‐garrisoned prison.
Justice of the Light: This small temple dedicated to Darlen also serves as Wolverton’s courts.
The Veale House: Twin witches, one mute, one blind, divine fortunes from their home.
Beryan’s Forge: The ex-paladin Beryan runs Wolverton’s most prosperous smithy, and is renown for his ornate metal sculptures of fantastical creatures and titivating women.
Fellowship of Friendship: This stout, richly appointed temple houses Conn’s followers. It is the centre of his worship of the Lonely Coast.
The Smiling Wolf: This seedy bar near the docks serves as the Night Reavers’ base.
The Goblin Hole: Sailors often frequent this sprawling, dilapidated tavern near the docks.
The Golden Turnip: This dicing hall and brothel hides the activities of the Crazy Sharks gang.
Water Meadows: Wolverton’s weekly market takes place here in this often flooded field.
Kargan’s Manse: The fiery evoker Kargan the Red lives in this stout tower.
Beren Skewes’s Warehouse: Skewes’ warehouse serves as the hideout for the wicked Blood Weepers gang.
Ahearn’s Emporium: This well to do shop serves the general populace of Wolverton. Its owner, Digory Ahearn, despises his rival Beren Skewes.
Feradul’s Tower: The secluded necromancer Feradul plots of conquering the Lonely Coast from this dark stoned tower. He is often in need of adventurers to secure various things for his foul researches.
Docks: Wolverton’s docks are always a riotous collection of noise, sights and smells. Merchant vessels and fishing boats jostle for position in this natural harbour.
Din Kershal: A narrow ridge of rock connects this heavily defended stony promontory to the mainland. The reputedly impregnable fortress of Caer Syllan stands upon Din Kershal.
Morveren’s Galley: A network of (tidal) caves riddles Din Kershal. Various rumours circulate about what foul things lurk within; not everyone who enters the caves reemerges.
Caer Syllan: The Lochers’ castle rests on the western end of Din Kershal. Caer Syllan serves as the Locher’s family seat.
The Arisum: Flowing from under the Tangled Wood’s shaded boughs this river divides Wolverton almost in half.
Want More?
Wolverton appears in the Lonely Coast (available in OSR and Pathfinder 1st editions here at the Raging Swan Press store) by John Bennett and Creighton Broadhurst.
Design John Bennett and Creighton Broadhurst Cartography Tommi Salama