Glossography of Ashlar

Glossography of Ashlar


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The 2024 edition of the Glossography of Ashlar presents an alphabetical listing of all the major features and locations in the Duchy of Ashlar. Designed as a handy overview of the Duchy, the Glossography is useful both before and during game sessions.

About the Duchy of Ashlar

The Duchy of Ashlar is small and constrained. Always, the forces of evil and shadow press inwards upon its borders, seeking to slay its defenders, enslave its populace and steal its treasures. If it were not for a stout, brave few, death and darkness would have long ago overwhelmed the realm.

Darkness and horror lurk both within and without the Duchy of Ashlar. While tribes of rapacious humanoids and terrible monsters lurk in the surrounding wilderlands, the shadow of an ancient, terrible evil looms over the duchy and its folk.

The Duchy of Ashlar is a mini-campaign setting designed for low- to mid-level characters intent on wilderness exploration and dungeon-delving. While designed as a standalone setting, the duchy can be easily inserted into a larger campaign world or used in conjunction with Raging Swan Press’s other mini-campaign settings.

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This book is a Dual Format PDF. You’ll find two versions in the zip file: one optimised for printing and use on a normal computer and one optimised for use on a mobile device such as an iPad. The two versions are identical except the screen version has been compressed so it renders quicker on screen.

Lost Cellar of the Nameless Mage (System Neutral) Lost_Cellar_untagged_web.jpeg

Lost Cellar of the Nameless Mage (System Neutral)

Drowned Fane of the Elder God (SN) Fane_tagged_web.jpg

Drowned Fane of the Elder God (SN)

Dungeon Backdrop: Lost Eyrie of the Demon King (System Neutral) Lost_Eyrie_tagged_web.png

Dungeon Backdrop: Lost Eyrie of the Demon King (System Neutral)

Dungeon Backdrop: Hidden Redoubt of Gilak Urser (System Neutral) Hidden_Redoubt_tagged.png

Dungeon Backdrop: Hidden Redoubt of Gilak Urser (System Neutral)

Dungeon Backdrop: Hidden Sanctum of the Nameless Mage (SN) Hidden_Sanctum_tagged_web.png

Dungeon Backdrop: Hidden Sanctum of the Nameless Mage (SN)
