Cursed Tower of the Asromancer Maps

Cursed Tower of the Asromancer Maps
This download comprises all the maps and and a One-Page summary of the Cursed Tower of the Astromancer Dungeon Backdrop.
Words: Creighton Broadhurst
Cartography: Dyson Logos and Bart Wynants
About the Cursed Tower
Strange things have started to happen at the Tower of the Astromancer. Its mistress, the half-elven wizard Tuulitar Vihas, has not been seen for weeks, and the locals whisper that the tower is cursed. Odds lights and sounds emanate from the place, and calls that something must be done grow louder and more insistent. Dare the heroes brave the Cursed Tower of the Astromancer?
Dungeon Backdrop: Cursed Tower of the Astromancer is available in 5e, OSR, Pathfinder 1, Pathfinder 2 and System Neutral editions.