Pit of Unquiet Souls Maps & Handouts

Pit of Unquiet Souls Maps & Handouts
This download comprises all the maps and handouts for the Pit of Unquiet Souls Dungeon Backdrop.
Cartography: Dyson Logos and Bart Wynants
About the Pit of Unquiet Souls
Saare’s Pit has another, more lurid, name—and for good reason. The Pit of Unquiet Souls squats at the centre of a nest of macabre tales of madness, horror and death. It is said, those who spend too much time in the abandoned mine often go mad or disappear entirely, and old miners’ tales tell of the pit’s very rocks whispering horrible secrets to those toiling in its bowels. Still, there are those who think treasure yet lurks in the mine and will brave its terrors to retrieve them.
Dungeon Backdrop: Pit of Unquiet Souls is available in 5e, OSR and Pathfinder 1 editions.