The Vile Star Storyline

The Vile Star Storyline


The Duchy of Ashlar is small and constrained. Always, the forces of evil and shadow press inwards upon its borders. If it were not for a stout few, death and darkness would have long ago overwhelmed the land. Dunstone was once Ashlar's northern bulwark. Now, it is a dangerously sleepy and insular place. Wicked humanoids yet lurk in the dark forests and deep valleys of the surrounding hills. Abandoned mines and crumbled ruins stud the surrounds, calling with their siren song to bold adventurers. To the west, lies the time-worn, oft-cursed ruin of the ancient Nameless Monastery.

Not all dangers lurk without, though. Folk—both fair and foul—have plans for Dunstone. Change is coming, to the Town on the Borderlands.

This Storyline document presents the GM with a ready-made Storyline linking three of our Dungeon Backdrops:

  • Dungeon Backdrop: Ruin of Bleak Hill

  • Dungeon Backdrop: Starfall Chantry

  • Dungeon Backdrop: Pit of Unquiet Souls

Each Dungeon Backdrop is available in 5e, OSR and Pathfinder 1 editions. Use the notes and suggestions herein to quickly and easily craft a memorable mini-campaign for your players.

The Vile Star Storyline is designed for use with the Ashlar campaign setting and the town of Dunstone, but is easily adaptable to almost any GM’s home campaign world.

Storyline Synopsis

Dunstone is a sleepy borderland town in the northwest of the Duchy of Ashlar. Once a place of danger and opportunity, it is a sleepy place. Dunstone’s defences have not been tested for many years and its people, once hardy and brave—and have grown indolent and complacent. Similarly, its ruler, the elderly Benjam Oksanen, has grown old and seems content to live out his days avoiding struggle and strife.

His grandson and heir—Aavo Oksanen—is altogether a different story; he nurtures big plans for Dunstone and sees it as his duty to bring prosperity to the town. Aavo is energetic in his pursuit of that goal. Young, handsome and brave Aavo has many supporters among the younger folk, but many of the older townsfolk see him as a dangerous influence on the town. His drive has also brought other ambitious folk to the town. Some seek to tie themselves to Aavo while others work toward their own ends…

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