The Secret Name Storyline

The Secret Name Storyline


To know a being’s true name is to hold power over it. The arcane fetters binding a summoned creature to a conjurer’s command are tied to its name. Celestials, fiends and even gods must yield to the sovereignty of their one, true name. Hence, these mighty beings often go by many epithets, ever jealously guarding the word which could shackle them to another’s will. But what if the secret name of a god were to become known? Such power was never meant for mortal men to wield…

This Storyline document presents the GM with a ready-made Storyline linking three of our Dungeon Backdrops:

·       Scarlock Hill (out now in 5e, OSR, Pathfinder 1 and Pathfinder 2 editions!)

·       Craghollow Mine (releases March 2021)

·       The Shard Isles (releases April 2021)

Learn more, by checking out Bart’s blog post.

Use the notes and suggestions herein to quickly and easily craft a memorable mini-campaign for your players.

The Secret Name Storyline is designed for use with The Lonely Coast campaign setting, but is easily adaptable to almost any GM’s home campaign world.

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