Ruin of Bleak Hill Maps & Handouts

Ruin of Bleak Hill Maps & Handouts
This download comprises all the maps and handouts for the Ruin of Bleak Hill Dungeon Backdrop.
Handout: Creighton Broadhurst (words) Alexis Bailey (background splat), Paul Sutclife (Ronald Handwriting font) Bart Wynants (design)
Cartography: Dyson Logos and Bart Wynants
About Ruin of Bleak Hill
The Mottled Spire’s wild, rugged uplands lie beyond the Selka River. Crumbling ruins and abandoned mines—the leavings of civilisation’s ebbing tide—dot the hills. One such place is the isolated wind-blasted ruin of Bleak Hill Manor. Here once dwelled the wizard-sage Ilmatar Tiera before her untimely death at unknown hands. The centuried ruin—decayed and crumbled—has alternately lain abandoned or served as the lair of marauders, bandits and worse. Now, however, events conspire to focus certain interested parties upon the ruin, and all such folk are in need of adventurers brave enough to dare the terrors of the Mottled Spire.
Dungeon Backdrop: Ruin of Bleak Hill is available in 5e, OSR and Pathfinder 1.