4d4 Ghoul Nest
The ghoul is a creature of nightmare for any adventuring group. From the packs of mindless, carrion-eating undead to the ancient civilisations deep underground, screaming adulation to their sheep-headed god Orcus, all ghouls have one thing in common. An eternal, gnawing hunger that no amount flesh can ever sate.
Use these four lists, to add depth and flavour to a ghoul nest:
What’s Going On?
The ghoul…
Holds a skull up to its face and peers intently into its hollow eyes.
Taps idly on the rocks with a long bone while crooning gently to itself.
Picks its teeth with a shard of rib.
Claws at the ground attempting to bury a skull whilst muttering quietly to itself.
Notable Lair Features
Several skulls are mounted on sharp sticks and tied on with guts and sinew.
Canopic jars are shattered against the walls, the ashes forming disturbing patterns on the ground.
Rocks and skulls form a makeshift altar. Atop the pile a skull topped rod has been placed in a position of prominence.
Skulls have been thrown at the wall here and lie shattered on the floor.
Ghoul’s Appearance
The ghoul…
Grasps a skull topped branch in its hand which it wields like a club.
Its rotting and scarred skin is covered with faded tattoos from its previous life.
Oozes black blood from an open chest wound.
Stinks of rot and decay, its bloated stomach distending down to its thighs.
Ceremonial raiment still bears its jewels and other finery amongst embroidered skulls and bones.
A sheep’s skull embedded with crushed yellow and red gems forms the head of this crude mace.
A wickedly serrated dagger with a blood red gem in its pommel.
Finger bones and teeth fill a pouch. (A careful search reveals several gold teeth).
Want More?
This article is an extract from the Complete Monstrous Lair Collection which is available here for immediate download. Alternatively, check out the 4d4 Archive for more handy, flavoursome and time-saving 4d4 articles ready for immediate use in your campaign.
Design Steve Hood Art Dave Allsop