4d4 Medusa's Lair
Whether lurking unseen in the urban jungle or stalking the wilderness or ancient ruins, medusa are a terror to any that befall their stony gaze. Worshipped with adoration by some their cunning makes them truly terrifying enemies.
Use these four lists, to add depth and flavour to a medusa’s lair.
What’s Going On?
The medusa…
Reclines casually on a throne carved in the likeness of hundreds of snakes.
Rocks gently back and forth whilst crooning to a rag-wrapped bundle in its lap.
Spits into a dirty wooden cup before dipping its arrow heads into it.
Pulls her hooded cloak tighter around her body and shivers as if cold.
Notable Lair Features
A goblin crouches on the floor. It has its hands over its eyes, but clearly it could not resist seeing its doom approach.
A stone warrior holds his shield up in front of his eyes and his sword down low ready to murderously rip the weapon up into his opponent’s belly.
This small rat was petrified in the act of looking around the stony legs of another statue.
This large, muscular human warrior has been petrified in the act of charging. His axe is held high over his head and his face is twisted into a terrible snarl. As the warrior was petrified while running forward, the statue is finely balanced.
Medusa’s’ Appearance
The medusa…
Is hooded and blindfolded. Now an old woman she leans heavily on a walking stick as she moves.
Wears high leather boots and a long black silken cloak, her intricately braided hair hangs low over her shoulders.
Hides her shining golden eyes deep within the hood of an elegant red dress.
Is completely enveloped in ragged clothing. Idly playing with sticks on the floor and covered in mud she seems deep in thought
Stone hands still wear a ruby studded gold ring. The broken tip of a dagger is wedged beneath it.
A hood made of polished serpent skin embroidered with gold and silver.
This bracelet is a coiled serpent of bronze with small emerald eyes. It looks very old and is marred with greenish patina.
A staff of polished oak topped with a carved dragon is still grasped tightly in its owner’s stone hands.
Want More?
This article is an extract from the Complete Monstrous Lair Collection which is available here for immediate download. Alternatively, check out the 4d4 Archive for more handy, flavoursome and time-saving 4d4 articles ready for immediate use in your campaign.
Design Steve Hood