4d4 Witch's Hovel
Shunned by most, the witch is the taker of children, bringer of bad harvests and seducer of good men. Living apart from good honest folk the witch plays on superstitions to create a terrifying reputation. Beware the dark woods…
Use these four lists, to add depth and flavour to a witch’s hovel.
Art Rick Hershey
What’s Going On?
The medusa…
Mutters to herself as she tends to the plants and fungus in her rough, overgrown garden.
Sits asleep outside on a rocking chair, a large toad on her lap.
Sings happily from inside the building, her deep and gravelly voice accompanied by the croaking of several crows.
Ties an effigy of sticks and rags to a nearby tree whilst muttering incantations to herself.
Notable Lair Features
A tall scarecrow of sticks and rags stands propped up against the wall. Its bladed hands are made from razor sharp knives and are covered in blood and gore.
Drying herbs and other plants hang from the ceiling on sharp iron hooks.
Pot, jars and bottles of unidentifiable stuff cover the tables and shelves. None are labelled.
Crows peer intently through holes in the rafters watching anyone inside the hut.
Witch’s Appearance
The witch…
Shuffles around with a bent back, her ragged clothing hanging from her bony body.
Leans heavily on a thick, twisted staff of hawthorn worn smooth through use.
Looks out through her tangled hair, her face hidden behind a wide brimmed hat. Seems to float as she moves around, her bright white dress stained with berry juice and grass.
Wears flowers of blue and yellow in her long braided red hair. Otherwise, she dresses like a typical peasant…except for a necklace of bones openly worn around her neck.
A wand formed from a mummified human forearm that grasps the wielder’s hand when its powers are called forth.
A long spike of triangular metal with sharp edges used to cause horrific puncture wounds. It is mostly used to bleed sacrifices.
A long-handled broom topped with a carving of a leering goblin face. The face seems to grin evilly at people holding it and may yell insults at random.
A small cauldron on a folding metal stand somehow heats itself yet doesn’t burn when touched.
Want More?
This article is an extract from the Complete Monstrous Lair Collection which is available here for immediate download. Alternatively, check out the 4d4 Archive for more handy, flavoursome and time-saving 4d4 articles ready for immediate use in your campaign.
Design Steve Hood Art Rock Hershey