The 400 wind their way over a lofty, craggy hill. Cut by unknown hands long ago these vertiginous steps are in bad shape. The faint outline of a ruin sprawls across the hill’s summit. Folk atop the hill enjoy sweeping views of the surrounds.
Read MoreMany towns lie on the edge of deep, dark woodlands. Terrible things often lurk in these woods, and the town’s folk need protection. Enter, brave adventurers! Use this list, to add pieces of interesting dressing to the lumber towns in your campaign:
Read MoreTeemu Viti (LN male human) dislikes any idea not his own. He is ferociously intelligent, and believes he is better than others. He shares this truth with acidic words. Teemu sports a balding pate and a paunch. He travels with his miserable wife, Martta.
Read MoreEl’s Mere was once a shallow, marshy lake. El’s Mere Way skirts the site. Local tradition has it that a young man, El, drowned while swimming in the lake. His ghost appears on the anniversary of his death to moan of his fate to any he encounters.
Read MoreVibrant trade towns are a key feature in many campaigns. Adventurers must shop, after all! Use this list, to add pieces of interesting dressing to the vibrant trade towns in your campaign:
Read MoreSlaughter Ford boasts a foul reputation. A century ago, water spirits drowned a great company of marauding orcs at the ford. Ill-hued lights, unwholesome noises and strange doings have since motivated travellers to seek safer routes.
Read MoreSimuna Kaivas (NG male human) clutches his painful belly. This rotund man suffers from food poisoning, which he got at a nearby inn. He needs help, but can offer only thanks in return. Well-connected locally he spreads word of the characters’ actions.
Read MoreMost dwarven holds are vast and ordered halls filled with solemn and stoic craftsfolk. But that’s not Feigrvidr. Some say it’s not a dwarf hold at all, but rather a lawless mining camp ruled by dwarf thugs and ruthless agents of the ruling thane.
Founded less than three years ago by Svingal Halfbeard, the ore coming from a vale carved out of the headlands of the Titan Peaks is of the greatest purity and the works coming forth from Feigrvidr’s forges are both subtle and ingenious, rivalling those of any traditional dwarven stronghold. The great wealth coming from the foot of the Titan Peaks was only the beginning, now with the discovery of ancient and abandoned giant halls deeper among the mountains’ spires adventurers are flocking to the camp, increasing its wealth and its danger.
Read MoreCutt Quarry has been almost abandoned for decades. The mad introvert Kildork Cutt (NE male dwarf) dwells therein. The madman carves elaborate, disturbing sculptures into the cliffs, for an unknown purpose. Sometimes, people disappear near the quarry.
Read MoreKeveral’s Point juts from a rocky escarpment overlooking the road. Its shape is reminiscent of a squashed human face. Folklore identifies the point as an immense slumbering earth spirit. Locals ascribe minor rockfalls and tremors on the point as its snores.
Read MoreHidden in the wild uplands beyond the Selka River, the sinkhole-mine of Delthur’s Folly is a byword among the locals for a fool’s errand doomed to fail. The only survivor of the fated expedition—driven mad by his ordeal and raving of “the water’s sibilant whispers”—died shortly after staggering into Dunstone a year or more after Delthur and his miners disappeared into the wilderness. And yet, every year adventurers cross the Selka in search of the mine—gold and silver are said to lie within. Some return empty-handed and some do not return at all. Local legend has it that something terrible dwells in the mine.
Read MorePekka Ihamuoto (N male human) wanders from place to place looking for work. Pekka is a skilled mason, and highly educated. He travels with his son, Reko, and wife, Esteri. A laden cart pulled by two horses carries the family’s possessions.
Read MoreCrumblestone Castle is cursed. Abandoned after its occupants sickened and died, it is a shunned place. Now even the place’s walls and towers have a leprous aspect as stone flakes away from the structure. Rank, noxious weeds fill the ruin.
Read MoreUrban adventures are often set in slums. In slums, the long arm of the law is often absent, thieves and cultists are rife; opportunities for adventure abound.
Read MoreAili Kekko (CN female half-elf bard) terrorises fellow travellers with wildly off-key singing, terrible lute playing and inappropriate songs. The goddess of music cursed Aili for lampooning her consort, the legendary bard Vilimzair Aralivar.
Read MoreHungry Gully grows a bit wider every year, and every year the locals add to the earthen span linking its two sides. When flooding weakens the span, travellers must make lengthy detours. Plans for a stone bridge stall on the subject of cost.
Read MoreMuch of the borderland is still unmapped. Some notable features have become local landmarks and serve as waymarkers or meeting places.
Read MoreBone Mill stands by a river flowing through an old battlefield. Sometimes, bones washed out of ancient burials foul the mill’s mechanism. Sometimes these remains awaken from their long slumber, and undead beset the mill.
Read MoreBleak Hill stands stark above the surrounding plain. A score or more stone cists dot its oddly flat summit. The mysterious cists are long since looted. Rumours speak of secret shafts plunging deep into the hill from one or more burial sites.
Read MoreAamu Kare (LN female human) perpetually searches for work. This gloomy, withdrawn warrior has exceptional luck; she has been the sole survivor of several groups. Some call her lucky, others say she is a harbinger of doom. She struggles to make friends.
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It’s no secret that at Raging Swan Press, we are big fans of dressed dungeons. A dressed dungeon feels more real than an undressed dungeon. A dressed dungeon engages your players’ imaginations, promotes creative play and helps them immerse themselves in the adventure.