10 Goblins with Personality
Few fantasy foes are as iconic as goblins. Use the goblins below, to add flavour and personality to the foes in your campaign!
Art Scott Harshbargar
Lipless Rord: His lips are just fine; the nickname comes from the jagged scar across his throat that prevents him from speaking louder than a whisper.
Ghalga Many-Whelps: This matronly goblin is never seen without at least four of her babes in tow; she teaches her children how to fight by throwing them at enemies.
Purg Pie Rat: Wearing a black tai-corn hat, with a skull hastily drawn on in chalk, and fighting with two meat hooks he holds in his hands, this goblin fancies himself a pirate, but is only really interested in plundering pastries.
Fongoa Stranglesgood: This goblin has over-long arms which hang down to her knees, and oversized hands. She kisses her victims just as they die, attempting to steal their last breath.
Lork: Having once heard the saying “if you can’t see me, I can’t see you,” his solution to danger is to clap his hands over his eyes and try to scuttle off in a random direction.
Urbla Stewmaker: Her ability to use fire to cook food instead of burn it makes her a gourmet cook by goblin standards. She chops up the bodies of friend and foe alike after battle to cook in her “lovely” stews.
Borgo Dagger-Eye: This goblin has a horrific injury: the hilt of a dagger protrudes from his right eye, the result of a horrific knife-throwing accident. He has never removed the dagger, as he believes doing so will kill him. His preferred weapon remains throwing knives.
Zingers Mudlover: Having loved wallowing in mud since she was a little whelp, once Zingers learned being covered head to toe in the stuff makes her blend in better to her swampy surroundings, she has almost never been without the stuff.
Kibzunk the Licker: While this goblin was named primarily for his love of licking random objects, he is also a metaphorical bootlicker, quick to provide sycophantic praise to the strongest person in sight.
Grout Hobwitch: This grizzled, ancient goblin is renowned for her knowledge of goblin magic, which mostly involves dubious curses and vague parables. She wears a belt of shrunken heads, and keeps a rat in a cage which she claims is her familiar.
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Design: Alex Riggs