Q&A with Richard Green
Richard is a long-time freelancer designer who has slaved away over many Raging Swan Press books. His most recent book for Raging Swan Press—The Picaroon Peninsula—is now available for Pathfinder 1st edition.
Richard’s PHB!
What was your first gaming book?
AD&D first edition Player’s Handbook, published in paperback in the UK by Games Workshop. I still have it but as you can see it’s slightly the worse for wear!
If you could pick one module to play again for the first time which would it be?
The Desert of Desolation (I3-I5). I played through these once, then ran them a few years later when the combined version was released. I’d love to see the desert revisited by WotC in 5th Edition.
Recommend a gaming book, adventure or supplement you’ve read in the last year.
Numenera: Discovery and Destiny from Monte Cook Games. The books are beautiful and packed with brilliant ideas. The system is really easy to learn and run, so it’s a great game for one shots when your group fancies a change of pace.
Beyond the obvious (books, dice and so on), what do you make sure you’ve got with you when you game?
My All Rolled Up wrap which holds my dice, pens, pencils, rubber and a foldable dice tray.
Other than where you normally play, where would you love to game?
Somewhere with a flat screen TV set into the table so you can project different battle maps onto it!
Who has inspired you most in your design career?
Wolfgang Baur, publisher at Kobold Press. I learned a lot from taking part in the early Open Design patron projects.
Choose five words to describe your last design project.
Empire of the Ghouls for Kobold Press: Ghouls, vampires, danger & Underworld intrigue
Where do you do most of your design?
Mostly in my little office halfway up the stairs at home, but now I’ve got Scrivener in my iPhone and iPad I can write on the train and in my lunch break at work.
Where can people learn more about your work?
You can read about Parsantium: City at the Crossroads, my fantasy city sourcebook for all editions of D&D and Pathfinder at Parsantium.wordpress.com. I also spend far too much time on Twitter where I am @richgreen01.
About Richard
Richard Green has been in love with D&D since 1980, playing and running the game in every edition, as well as many other RPGs. An early contributor to Open Design, he’s been writing for Kobold Press and Raging Swan Press for over ten years: design credits include the Midgard Worldbook, Midgard Heroes Handbook, and the upcoming Empire of the Ghouls and The Picaroon Peninsula. Five years ago, he wrote and published Parsantium: City at the Crossroads, a fantasy city sourcebook based on his long-running D&D campaign, and has also designed for DM’s Guild.
Richard lives in London with his wife Kate and two cats.
About the Picaroon Peninsula
You can learn more about the pirate-infested Picaroon Peninsula here or download the area maps (for free!) here.