Dulwich at a Glance
Dulwich stares out across the Salt Mire towards Hard Bay, the Forest of Gray Spires at its back. Just a few hundred years old, it rests on the remnants of numerous older structures, built on a strip of dry land between the swamp and forest. One of the largest settlements in the Duchy of Ashlar, Dulwich serves as a major hub for merchants and travellers. A stout, stone wall surrounds the main town, offering protection from the dangers living in the Salt Mire.
Cartography Tommi Salama
Ruler Wido Gall
Government Overlord
Population 4,734 (4,634 humans, 15 dwarves, 3 elves, 11 half-elves, 8 half-orcs, 63 halflings)
Alignments LG, NG, N, LN, LE, NE
Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven
Resources & Industry Lumber, pottery, wool
Wealth flows through the town in aplenty due to the lucrative timber industry and Dulwich’s position as a trading centre. Its citizens live in well-constructed two-storey homes of stone (harvested from earlier settlements) and wood. While most of its streets remain hard-packed dirt, cobblestone paved roads have begun to appear in more affluent areas. A recently built keep lies at Dulwich’s centre, built over an older, wooden fortification. Its towers barely top the tall spire of the nearby Temple of Conn, a magnificent cathedral built with contributions from the town’s affluent citizens.
Many of Dulwich’s citizens are craftsmen, merchants or traders of some sort with many more involved in logging. A few cater to outsiders, particularly adventuresome types. To the west and south lies the ruins of Valentin’s Folly, a small castle frequently sheltering wanted bandits (and—it is rumoured— much worse things). Within the forest, a day to the south, lies the feared and legendary Shunned Valley, believed by the locals to be haunted. These are just two nearby attractions. The great doom-drenched halls of Gloamhold lie far to the north.
Dulwich still mourns the recent death of the former high priest of Conn, Taistro Rintala. His successor, the young priestess Vuokko Laiten, now heads the temple due to the support of influential merchants who seek to use her as a political pawn for power, particularly against Dulwich’s ruler, Wido Gall. Wido relies on the Temple of Conn for public support. Wido was scheming with the high priest to wrest complete control of nearby Longbridge from his rival, Hilduin Lorsch, a plan now disrupted. Wido seeks to expand his power in face of the growing power of the merchant class flush with gold from the profitable lumber industry.
Trade & Industry
Dulwich is mostly known for its booming lumber industry, which employs many citizens and brings in great wealth. Though a significant source of income for the town, it is not Dulwich’s only notable industry. Many citizens belong to the town’s guilds, making everything from pottery to clothing and members wear their guild’s colours to denote their membership. The various guilds typically occupy entire streets and are growing ever more powerful and influential. No craftsman may operate in a trade without joining the relevant guild.
Other citizens work the farms outside Dulwich, most of which are owned by the Gall family. However, their wages are lower than those who learn a proper craft or trade. Thus, as the merchants grow in power and wealth, Dulwich’s society becomes increasingly stratified.
Dulwichian goods travel throughout Ashlar and merchants from the nearby villages often come to Dulwich to trade. Dulwich is an important centre of commerce in the duchy. If Wido Gall succeeds in taking control of Longbridge, he would control Kymis Run, which would bring him greater wealth and power. The merchants want to avoid this at all costs.
Design John Bennett Cartography Tommi Salama
Notable Locations
Most of Dulwich comprises peasant homes and businesses of little note. A few locations, however, are of interest to adventurers:
Dulwich Keep: Seat of the Gall family, the squat Dulwich Keep lies at the heart of Wido Gall’s machinations. The town guard are based here and the dungeons below the keep house lawbreakers and those who fall foul of Wido.
The Lawgiver’s Hall: The lofty spire of this elaborate cathedral dominates Dulwich’s skyline. Its new high priestess—Vuokko Laiten—is courted by both sides in the ongoing struggle for power in the town.
Lumberyard and Guild Hall: The lumber guild is particularly wealthy and influential; their holdings reflect their status.
The Dancing Bear: Run by the former half-elven adventurer Nurlon Rekinen this is a popular drinking establishment for adventurers and off-duty guardsmen.
Nalthra’s Jewellery: Nalthra is the most renowned jeweller in Dulwich. She dwells in the top floor of this three-storey building. She might not always offer the best price for gems and jewellery, but she can handle large deals.
The East Gate: This sprawling inn is popular with Dulwich’s wealthy and well-to-do. The Black Cats—a gang of skilled burglars—have infiltrated the place and spy on rich marks.
The Golden Skull: This dingy, forgettable watering hole is secretly the Shadow Spider’s headquarters. A fighting pit and gambling hall lies beneath the tavern in a series of ancient, dingy tunnels.
Eronen’s Safe Travels: This large general store is run by the retired, one-armed adventurer Henni Eronen. He stocks any mundane equipment a prospective adventurer might need for a wilderness trek.
Saini Alanen’s House: Home to Dulwich’s most renowned sage, the ground floor of this building also serves as a public library. The wizardess dwells on the top floor and is available to hire for private research projects.
Dulwich Marketplace: This bustling daily market hosts numerous stalls and booths. Street performers are rife here as are wandering merchants and pick pockets. Anything for sale in Dulwich can be had here. Many of the more affluent merchants maintain shops or businesses elsewhere.
Cemetery and Catacombs: The town graveyard; recently rumours of strange goings-on have begun to cluster about the catacombs and surrounding mausoleums.
Notable Folk
Most of the population are nothing more than hardworking peasants. A few, however, are of interest to adventurers:
Almina Mastonen (location 6; CN female halfling thief 3) Almina runs a crew of burglars calling themselves the Black Cats. She works at the East Gate.
Henni Eronen (location 8; CG female human ranger 2) A former adventurer, Henni runs an outfitter’s store and organizes the local guides. She is extremely knowledgeable about the surrounding area.
Nalthra Rekunen (location 5; N middle-aged female half-elf) Nalthra is a renowned jeweller, catering to Dulwich’s wealthy. She frequently seeks precious gems to work into pieces of art, but is renowned for not offering the best prices.
Nurlon Rekunen (location 4; LG middle-aged male half-elf fighter 3) A former adventurer and Nalthra’s twin brother, Nurlon runs the Dancing Bear which caters to adventurers and travellers.
Orkus Darzak (location 11; CE male dwarf cleric 5) Driven insane while adventuring in Gloamhold, Orkus worships Braal by animating the dead of Dulwich. He lurks in the tunnels and catacombs beneath the cemetery.
Ossi Karppanen (location 3; LN male human) Head of the lumber guild, Ossi seeks to instate a ruling council of merchants. He is one of the richest people in Dulwich, and consequently has much power and influence.
Saini Alanen (location 9; NG female human wizard 4) Saini oversees a small, independent library where she conducts research on the local area and assists in political matters.
Tuula Tenhunen (location 1; LN female half-orc fighter 3) Nick- named the “Iron Maiden” due to her mask, Tuula leads the town guard and is fiercely loyal to Wido.
Voitto Markku (location 7; LE male human thief 4) Voitto leads the Shadow Spiders—Dulwich’s infamous thieves’ guild. He is an odious, dangerous fellow.
Vuokko Laiten (location 2; LN female human cleric 3) Though young, Vuokko is the new high priestess of Conn.
Wido Gall (location 1; LN male human wizard 4) A noble and a wizard, Wido rules over Dulwich. He seeks to extend his influence to the nearby village of Longbridge.
Zado (location 11; CN male human unknown) This enigmatic, masked street performer plies his trade in Dulwich’s marketplace. However, his real trade is in secrets and information.
Want More?
While designed for the Ashlar and Gloamhold campaign setting, the town of Dulwich is easy to insert into almost any GM’s personal campaign. Other Dulwich resources include:
The Towns of Ashlar Collection: The Towns of Ashlar Collection presents both Dulwich and Dunstone. Both towns are designed for the Ashlar campaign setting, but can easily be inserted into virtually any GM's campaign. The collection is available in 5e, OSR and 1st edition Pathfinder versions.
Free Town Maps: The Ashlarian Town Maps free download contained tagged and untagged maps for Dulwich and Dunstone.
1st-Level Adventure: The 1st-level adventure Shunned Valley of the Three Tombs takes place near Dulwich and contains full details of the town.
Design John Bennett Cartography Tommi Salama