Minion of Evil: Venla Jutikka

CN female human thief 5

Wearing comfortable clothing suitable for sea travel, this human woman stands just over five feet tall. She keeps her light brown hair closely cut and wears a patch over her right eye.

Venla watches with her “one good eye”—and her other equally good eye. Venla has everyone believing she is part blind. This is a lie.

Personality: Venla is a cheery sort who won’t turn down a pint and sometimes offers to buy a round in whatever ramshackle wharf pub she finds herself. She puts people at ease so she can gather information from and about them.

Mannerisms: This information broker often adopts a casual pose, with her “good” eye closed. However, the mesh in her eyepatch gives her a near perfect view of her surroundings, allowing her to observe comings and goings and eavesdrop on conversations without giving herself away.

Hook: The party is alerted to an imminent pirate attack, one shrouded in secrecy regarding the fleet’s size and the time of attack. Venla has the information the party seeks and parts with it once they do her a rather odious favour.

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This article is an extract from 20 Things #60: Minions of Evil. by Rikh Hart, Steve Hood and Mike Welham. Add the book to your GM’s toolkit today! Alternatively, check out the 20 Things Archive for more handy, flavoursome and time-saving 20 Things articles ready for immediate use in your campaign.

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