Cursed Refuge of the Valley of Tears

Once the last friendly place in the so-called Valley of Tears the Hall of Nuraduum is now known by a different name of far more sinister demeanour—the Cursed Refuge. Some travellers who pass through its stone door do not emerge again, while others tell terrifying stories of the nameless horrors they encounter in the enduring dark of the old dwarven fastness. Persistent rumours tell of old treasures hidden in the place, and a few old dwarves dream of reclaiming the refuge—so that at least a fragment of long-fallen Vongyth may again be held by dwarves. Will the characters dare the rumour-shrouded refuge, or will they flee the horrors that yet lurk within?

A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.

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Shattered Halls of the Undying Oracles

For centuries, the adherents of a strange cult have harvested the skulls of learned folk and interred them in the so-called Halls of the Undying Oracles. Thus, their knowledge is safeguarded for future generations. Now an earthquake has severely damaged the Halls. Was it a natural event, divine punishment for the cult’s blasphemous works, or is something more sinister going on?

A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.

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The Mailed Fist Tribe

Equally renowned for their battle skills and mercenary hearts, the warriors of the Mailed Fist serve anyone with sufficient coin. Heavily armoured, disciplined and well-trained, those who stand below the Mailed Fist's banner are formidable fighters capable of great slaughter. High above, their winged cavalry—elite warriors and battlecasters astride gigantic black bats—hurl missiles and spells down upon their hapless foes.

A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.

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The Hamlet of Barrowhurst

South of dismal Coldwater, where the land grows wild and untamed, and the endless waves of the Bitter Sea batter Ashlar’s coast, the isolated hamlet of Barrowhurst huddles hard between slick sea cliffs of grey stone and the eastern fringes of the heavily wooded, rugged and steeply-sided but round-topped Ochel hills.

A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.

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The Bleached Skull Gnolls

Feral denizens of the deepest, wildest reaches of the Tangled Forest, the Bleached Skull gnolls are creatures of atavistic desires and sadistic lusts. Ferocious warriors and terrible foes, they worship the primal, blood‐soaked spirits of the woodlands and war with their neighbours for booty and sacrifices to bury alive beneath their sacred trees.

A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.

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The Cannibal Druid

The wizened half-goblin druid Tal Nar has dwelt alone in the deep, trackless woods for decades. An outcast from his tribe, he has led a lonely life. With only the nameless, atavistic spirits of the primal forest, roving packs of wolves and the occasional bear for company Tal has sunk deep into insanity’s black pit.

A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.

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