GMs! What's Your Problem?

I’m not trying to start a fight. Instead, I’m trying to understand what common problems GMs face when preparing or running our games. 

I’m asking this question because one of Raging Swan Press’s guiding principles is to publish resources to help GM run better, more fun less stressful games. I know what problems I face in the day to day maelstrom of preparing and running a campaign, but I’m wondering if I have missed something. If you’ve got a specific GM-related problem and you think Raging Swan Press can help fix it, please leave a note in the comments below. 

For example, one of our heroic patrons over at Patreon  posted he had a need for short, flavoursome NPCs write-ups. He didn’t want stat blocks or pages of in-depth character background. Instead, he wanted short NPC write-ups he could easily drop into his when the PCs interacted with random NPCs. (I thought this was a great idea and so last year The Daily NPC was born!) 

Of course, I can’t promise to publish solutions to every problem I receive—I suspect not many GMs, for example, need a book full of statted up ninja unicorns—but I’d love to know if there is some way Raging Swan Press can help you run a better campaign.
