This question popped into my head yesterday:
What is the most challenging thing about GMing for you?
Read MoreWelcome to the Raging Swan Press blog. Herein you’ll find resource and advice articles to make your game better. From time to time, we’ll also post exciting Raging Swan Press news!
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At Raging Swan Press, we believe that games set in a richly detailed, immersive world are better than games that are not. It should come as no surprise that we are huge fans of dungeon dressing, but what exactly is dungeon dressing, and why do we keep going on about it?
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This question popped into my head yesterday:
What is the most challenging thing about GMing for you?
Read MoreWhat makes a GM great? Is is rules knowledge, an ability to do character voices or something else entirely?
Let Raging Swan Press know, in the comments below.
Read MoreSome adventures like Keep on the Borderlands or the Village of Hommlettare classics. Other adventures are somewhat less good. But what makes an adventure awesome?
Read MoreMany old-school modules are legendary. The Keep on the Borderlands, Against the Cult of the Reptile God, the Village of Hommlet and more share a special place in gamers' hearts everywhere. But what's your favourite old-school module?
Read MoreDungeons are literally the bedrock of the hobby. They have been a core concept of the game from the first campaigns.
All dungeons are not created equal, however. Some are great, some are terrible and some are mediocre.
Read MoreThis is an unprecedented time, and we find ourselves in uncharted territory. The world today is not normal, and I suspect your gaming has been impacted as we all battle Coronavirus. In the grand scheme of things gaming isn’t crucial or critical, and Raging Swan Press is not exactly an emergency service. We aren’t scientists and we can’t treat the ill or cure Coronavirus (that’s the Wife’s job).
Read MoreHere at Raging Swan Press, we are always looking for ideas for 20 Things articles. We've published hundreds of articles over the last four years, but there's still so much left to do, and so many lists left to write! Let me know what 20 Things style articles you'd like to see by leaving a comment.
Read MoreI’m not trying to start a fight. Instead, I’m trying to understand what common problems GMs face when preparing or running our games.
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It’s no secret that at Raging Swan Press, we are big fans of dressed dungeons. A dressed dungeon feels more real than an undressed dungeon. A dressed dungeon engages your players’ imaginations, promotes creative play and helps them immerse themselves in the adventure.