Minion of Evil: Matilda Asikka

CE female human assassin 3

Garbed in clean peasant’s clothing, this human woman wears her brown hair streaked through with grey in a neat bun.

Matilda whispers secrets only she knows. Cursed with the ability to see major events in other people’s futures she can sense those destined to perform great (or terrible) acts.

Personality: Matilda assassinates those who will commit heinous acts should they live. Fearing her foreknowledge of her victims’ potential future deeds marks her as a witch, she ensures she doesn’t stand out. She desperately desires a confidante for her secret but has yet to find someone with an open mind who does not want to profit from her ability.

Mannerisms: Despite Matilda’s caution, she sometimes jerks her head about or shushes the whispering only she can hear. If she receives attention for her behaviour, she makes excuses (blaming a buzzing fly, sudden itch and so on).

Hook: One of the characters has a recurring nightmare where Matilda stands over one of her recent victims. She relays the importance of the victim’s death, mentions her location and speaks another name before everything turns to gibberish. Matilda will soon stand trial for the murder and likely faces conviction and a death sentence for the deed.

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This article is an extract from 20 Things #60: Minions of Evil. by Rikh Hart, Steve Hood and Mike Welham. Add the book to your GM’s toolkit today! Alternatively, check out the 20 Things Archive for more handy, flavoursome and time-saving 20 Things articles ready for immediate use in your campaign.

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