When your characters return from a successful adventure laden with loot their thoughts often turn to shopping. Curio shops, pawn shops and the like are ripe venues for browsing and haggling. Use these lists to add depth and verisimilitude to the curio shops, pawn shops and market stalls in your campaign.
Read MoreA library is nothing without books. Some libraries hold but a few dozen tomes while others hold thousands. No matter the size of the library it no doubt has books on a variety of subjects.
Read MoreFrom the common wand of magic missiles to the awesomely rare and much coveted staff of the archmagi, rods, staves and wands can channel awesome power. Such items rarely appear to be nothing more than a tapered stick or quarterstaff.
Read MoreSometimes the characters emerge from the dungeon laden down with bags of coins, pouches stuffed with gems and jewels and even magic items! Other times, they emerge with items somewhat trickier to sell on…
Read MoreA black dragon’s lair is rarely nothing more than a dismal, sunken cave stuffed full of treasure. Black dragons are wily, cunning and in-tune with the surrounding environment. Their lairs reflect their intrinsic connection with the surrounding swamp or marsh.
Read MoreDuring the course of their adventures, our heroes are likely to slay many evil wizards (and loot their bodies). Sadly, most such individuals seem to never carry anything beyond a spell component pouch, a few magic items and some loose coinage. Use this list, to add depth and flavour to a dead wizard’s possessions
Read MoreThe vast majority of books in a library are nothing more than tomes of mundane knowledge, travelogues, diaries and other normal writings. A few books, however, are different. A few books—either because of the foul things they reveal, the power they hold or their monetary value—are kept away from the public in the library’s special collection.
Read MoreMagic rings are a staple of fantasy gaming, and much sought after by adventurers. Such objects can call forth or project a range of powers and effects, at their owner’s command.
Read MoreRed dragon hoards can be immense in scope and value. Among the treasures and trinkets, however, most dragons have also accumulated objects that might not fall under the traditional heading of treasure, but which are interesting and flavoursome none-the-less.
Read MoreA library is nothing without books. Some libraries hold but a few dozen tomes while others hold thousands. No matter the size of the library it no doubt has books on a variety of subjects.
Read MoreFrom the common wand of magic missiles to the awesomely rare and much coveted staff of the archmagi, rods, staves and wands can channel awesome power. Such items rarely appear to be nothing more than a tapered stick or quarterstaff.
Use this list, to determine the appearance of the item found by the characters.
Read MoreThe characters are bound to discover all manner of trinkets and treasures while sacking an orc village. Use the list below to add depth and flavour to their looting.
Read MoreFew predators can match the purple worm for strength, ferocity and might. Even powerful adventurers do not take on a purple worm lightly for they often consume their prey whole. (Indeed, stories of entire adventuring parties consumed by a purple worm are not uncommon…)
Read MoreHidden in the rotten corners of the world are grimoires potent enough to drive a reader mad. Great power seeps from the pages, and even the most stalwart monk, sagacious wizard or noble knight risks his very sanity with the turn of every page.
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Everyone—even the powerful—has enemies, and the Nameless Mage was no exception…
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