A wrecked ship can make an interesting and memorable adventure site.
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
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At Raging Swan Press, we believe that games set in a richly detailed, immersive world are better than games that are not. It should come as no surprise that we are huge fans of dungeon dressing, but what exactly is dungeon dressing, and why do we keep going on about it?
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Set sail for adventure on the Picaroon Peninsula! Stretching from the isolated pirate stronghold of Deksport in the west with its three violent, feuding rulers, to the mysterious Forest of Gray Spires in the east, the Picaroon Peninsula is home to ruthless buccaneers, cannibal cults, crumbling tree-choked ruins and pirate curses.
The Baleful Wanderer, Blood Moon, Well House, Tavern Cinderspire and Bibeldoop
Centuries ago, another settlement stood where Dulwich now stands. Much of the area's ancient history has been forgotten—lost to time and memory. However, some buried or lost fragments of the past yet remain…
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
Everyone—even the powerful—has enemies, and the Nameless Mage was no exception…
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
We storm into February with a small flock of new resources for your gaming pleasure along with some new pages for our website.
The Duchy of Ashlar is small and constrained. Always, the forces of evil and shadow press inwards upon its borders. If it were not for a stout few, death and darkness would have long ago overwhelmed the land. Dunstone was once Ashlar's northern bulwark. Now…
Successful thieves need a fence—someone willing to buy and sell their ill-gotten gains. Like their customers, such folk must keep their true business secret, and thus, they often openly practise some other legitimate trade.
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
Merchants, traders, artisans, and some ordinary folk, need somewhere to store their bulky goods. Some own their own warehouses, while others hire the requisite space on a temporary basis.
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
A wrecked ship can make an interesting and memorable adventure site.
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
Read MoreThe maps and handouts for Forbidden Isle of the Nightstalkers are now available for free download from the Raging Swan Press store.
Read MoreThe small Braalite cult centred on the Crooked House comprises the Ilmarinen family and several of their servants.
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
Read MoreMasters of supply and demand smugglers carry anything their customers want (and will pay for), regardless of the law. More cunning than most, smugglers protect their holdings with threats, misdirection and traps.
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
Read MoreA ship is an excellent place to build verisimilitude into a campaign world. Essentially, the characters are a captive audience, and the ship can become a detailed backdrop to roleplaying encounters and more.
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
Read MoreThis cunningly designed deathtrap hides the forgotten treasures and legends of a fallen people.
A 5e, OSR and Pathfinder 1 adventure for 3rd-level characters
Read MoreFeral cave dwellers, troglodytes are the fallen scions of a once-mighty empire fallen into ruin and obscurity. Now they are little more than savage scavengers.
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
Read MoreHiding abandoned dwarven holds, lost mines, dragon lairs and more, mountain ranges are often the site of exciting, desperate adventures far from civilisation’s comforts.
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
Read MoreLegends tell of Blackshard Hold—a dwarven redoubt nested far to the south, in the all but impenetrable Forest of Gray Spires. The dwarves of clan Kildare built the hold around a vast monolith of glimmering black onyx
Read MoreMost rural farming villages are a hive of activity.
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
Read MoreAmid scenes of wild jubilation, Creighton Broadhurst, Publisher of Useful Items at Raging Swan Press, emerged blinking and dazed into the daylight to announce to the expectant gathered throng that the print manuscript of the Dread Thingonomicon was finally complete.
Read MorePlains are far more than endless vistas of rolling grassland and hills. Wandering adventurers will encounter many things on a plain.
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
Read MoreCursed with lycanthropy, wererats lurk in the dirty, foul places no one else wants or can tolerate.
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
Read MoreSentient, carnivorous clumps of rotting vegetation, shambling mounds are excellent ambush predators. They particularly enjoy elf flesh.
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
Read MoreA pirate town is a dangerous and unique place to visit. The wise hero watches their step in such a place.
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
Read MoreAdventurers often seem to be found in seedy dives and other disreputable drinking establishments.
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
Read MorePixie glades are magical, otherworldly places where the tiny elf-like creatures cavort and hold court. Pixie glades are idyllic examples of ancient, primal woodland.
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
Read MoreThe mighty and ancient treants are the forest's guardians and the shepherd of its trees. Longer-lived than even the elves, treants rarely seek out short-lived folk.
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
Read MoreArrogant to the core blue dragons lair in ancient temples and dedicate them to the worship of themselves.
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
Read MoreDeserts are far from bland locales comprising nothing but sand dunes, the occasional cactus and unending sun. Gnoll tribes, ferocious blue dragons and ancient ruins all lurk in the interior ready for brave adventurers to discover them.
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
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It’s no secret that at Raging Swan Press, we are big fans of dressed dungeons. A dressed dungeon feels more real than an undressed dungeon. A dressed dungeon engages your players’ imaginations, promotes creative play and helps them immerse themselves in the adventure.