Wild and feral orcs take over caves with little care for secrecy or subtlety. Proudly displaying their battle trophies, they taint the area with their awful, savage presence.
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
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At Raging Swan Press, we believe that games set in a richly detailed, immersive world are better than games that are not. It should come as no surprise that we are huge fans of dungeon dressing, but what exactly is dungeon dressing, and why do we keep going on about it?
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Set sail for adventure on the Picaroon Peninsula! Stretching from the isolated pirate stronghold of Deksport in the west with its three violent, feuding rulers, to the mysterious Forest of Gray Spires in the east, the Picaroon Peninsula is home to ruthless buccaneers, cannibal cults, crumbling tree-choked ruins and pirate curses.
The Baleful Wanderer, Blood Moon, Well House, Tavern Cinderspire and Bibeldoop
Centuries ago, another settlement stood where Dulwich now stands. Much of the area's ancient history has been forgotten—lost to time and memory. However, some buried or lost fragments of the past yet remain…
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
Everyone—even the powerful—has enemies, and the Nameless Mage was no exception…
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
We storm into February with a small flock of new resources for your gaming pleasure along with some new pages for our website.
The Duchy of Ashlar is small and constrained. Always, the forces of evil and shadow press inwards upon its borders. If it were not for a stout few, death and darkness would have long ago overwhelmed the land. Dunstone was once Ashlar's northern bulwark. Now…
Successful thieves need a fence—someone willing to buy and sell their ill-gotten gains. Like their customers, such folk must keep their true business secret, and thus, they often openly practise some other legitimate trade.
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
Merchants, traders, artisans, and some ordinary folk, need somewhere to store their bulky goods. Some own their own warehouses, while others hire the requisite space on a temporary basis.
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
Wild and feral orcs take over caves with little care for secrecy or subtlety. Proudly displaying their battle trophies, they taint the area with their awful, savage presence.
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
Read MoreThe haunted manor house is a classic adventure locale. Every town and city—and many villages—has such a locale: an old, ill-favoured house lurking amid the myths, rumours and legends of the locality.
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
Read MoreSavage, bestial creatures of rage and violence—minotaurs are terrifying enemies. Often solitary beasts haunting labyrinthine dungeons, or similar locales, they delight in hunting and terrorising their prey.
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
Read MoreWhether lurking unseen in the urban jungle, stalking the wilderness or lurking in ancient ruins, medusa are a terror to any that behold their stony gaze. Worshipped with adoration by some, their cunning makes them terrifying enemies.
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
Read MoreMummies, from loyal guardians entombed with their masters to power-hungry priest-kings vying for the return of their earthly powers, strike fear into their enemies’ hearts. Many ancient societies inter their dead in this respectful way in the belief that someday they’ll rise again.
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
Read MoreCurio shops. Flea markets. Pawnbrokers. Adventurers normally find treasure deep in a dungeon guarded by terrible monsters. Sometimes, though, the characters find treasure where they least expect it—and sometimes, it hardly costs them anything at all!
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
Read MoreExtreme weather—particularly storms—has the potential to wreak havoc on a travelling band of brave adventurers.
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
Read MoreMalevolent beings that feed on their victims’ fear and despair, will-o’-wisps dwell in the lonely, dismal places of the world. Deserted places—bogs, fens, marshes, catacombs and battlefields—are their domain.
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
Read MorePurple worms—voracious predators—burrow beneath the ground in a near-constant search for food. These huge worms are notorious for consuming prey—sometimes entire adventuring parties—whole.
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
Read MoreAn isolated place, perched upon an inhospitable coast at the head of a muddy coastal path, Coldwater is not an easy, or pleasant, place to visit.
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
Read MoreThings are quieter at Raging Swan Press in October. After an exceptionally busy September, which saw the release of the Dread Thingonomicon, we are moving back to a more normal schedule.
Read MoreSlaver compounds are horrible places; to those imprisoned within, they are literally hell on earth. Here sentient beings are bought and sold like any other good.
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
Read MoreToday, the Dread Thingonomicon, Raging Swan Press’s biggest ever tome, has gone on general release.
Read MoreThe reclusive lizardfolk of the swamps and marshes live their quiet lives far away from humanity. Lizardfolk are averse to intruders and untrusting of strangers; many wanderers have found themselves served up as the tribe's main meal.
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
Read MoreStanding on the fringes of the vast and noisome Salt Mire, Thornhill is a miserable, hard place.
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
Read MoreThought of as nothing but pests and scavengers by commoners and adventurers alike, kobolds are cunning masters of ambush and stealth. Intricate traps fill their warrens to welcome foolish intruders daring to invade the kobolds' home.
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
Read MoreThe cruel and depraved derro scour the Ebon Realms for slaves to experiment on or victims to participate in their insane plans. Many travellers realise too late these small, weak-looking creatures should not be underestimated.
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
Read MoreUndead spellcasters of superlative power, lichs dwell in extensive subterranean labyrinths. As peerless necromancers, they have cheated death through the completion of a lengthy, difficult and blasphemous ritual.
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
Read MoreCreatures of evil, darkness and death, wraiths dwell in the dark and gloomy places of the world. They fear and are helpless in sunlight.
A free GM’s Resource for any fantasy roleplaying game.
Read MoreSeptember is a big—nay a huge—month for Raging Swan Press. Not only have we got a new 5e adventure for you, Forbidden Isle of the Nightstalkers, but we’ll also release the Dread Thingonomicon. This is our largest and most impressive book to date. I think it will blow your socks off!
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It’s no secret that at Raging Swan Press, we are big fans of dressed dungeons. A dressed dungeon feels more real than an undressed dungeon. A dressed dungeon engages your players’ imaginations, promotes creative play and helps them immerse themselves in the adventure.