Our last "Gygax On" post, fittingly from the Afterword of the AD&D DMG.
Read MoreIn sight of the corpses swinging from Traitor’s Gate crouches a tavern with a deep, shadowy porch furnished with scarred tables and a sign bearing a grinning skull with a die between its teeth. Here drink Languard’s bounty hunters, off-duty watchmen and those fascinated with death and suffering. If you need help finding someone in Languard—or if you just want a really good view of the city’s monthly brutal executions—the Last Chance is the place to go!
Read MoreWhen your characters return from a successful adventure laden with loot their thoughts often turn to shopping. Curio shops, pawn shops and the like are ripe venues for browsing and haggling. Use these lists to add depth and verisimilitude to the curio shops, pawn shops and market stalls in your campaign.
Read MoreI'm a big fan of not fudging dice rolls. How about you?
Read MoreBlame Gary for the caps lock. He obviously felt strongly about time tracking.
Read MoreUrban adventures are often set in slums. In slums, the long arm of the law is often absent, thieves and cultists are rife; opportunities for adventure abound.
Read MoreMy players love verisimilitude...
Read MoreI bet there is loot just lying around for the taking in there…
Read MoreSounds like an interesting challenge...
Read MoreI've had DM's ignore this piece of advice. It sucks when that happens.
Read MoreIt is a cooperative game after all..
Read MoreThe furthest flung outpost of a mighty kingdom, turbulent waters and forbidding, trackless forests separate the folk of the Lonely Coast from civilisation’s gaudy lights and soft pleasures. Pirates and slavers ply the southern storm-tossed waters while goblins and other foul things creep through the gloom of the Tangled Wood that seemingly chokes the forgotten holds and sacred places of the Old People. Deep within the forest, a narrow, rock-choked defile piled deep with shadow cuts through a nameless range of rugged, tree-shrouded hills birthing dark, fearsome legends of terrifying monsters and glittering, doom-laden treasures. The perils of the Lonely Coast are legion and thus there is always a need for those with stout hearts and skill with blade and spell, or for those merely hungry for glory, to defend humanity’s most tenuous enclave.
Read MoreIn my experience, players either have too much or not enough.
Read MoreDo you want to get 20 Things articles written specifically for your campaign?
Do you want to join the party?
Read MoreA horrible amalgamation of dragon, goat and lion, the bizarre chimera hunts to feed the urges of three monstrous beasts rolled into one. Use these lists, to add depth and flavour to the chimera dens in your campaign.
Read MoreThe urge to tag every member of my gaming group here is almost overwhelming...
Read MoreCool old-school development to proceedings. If only someone had infravision!
Read MoreIs there ever a good one?
Read MoreTo save or not to save: that is the question.
Read MoreIt's not all about more powerful monsters.
Read More
It’s no secret that at Raging Swan Press, we are big fans of dressed dungeons. A dressed dungeon feels more real than an undressed dungeon. A dressed dungeon engages your players’ imaginations, promotes creative play and helps them immerse themselves in the adventure.